Chapter 10

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Today was the day, we're finally graduating high school on to college. I was extremely nervous, but I'm so glad that I have everyone there with me. During this year it was one of my greatest towards the end which will make me miss highschool a lot, but I'm sure college will be better.

Sakura and Ino ran to me. I was already sitting with Temari."Hinata! Are you excited? We graduate today! And guess what else!"


Ino yelled in my ear. "Naruto is graduating too! He's actually making it to college and you won't have to worry about your crush not being with you."

My eyes lit up. "Really.. I'm happy for him! And I'm even happier to be with you guys!"

Temari sighed. "We have to get going to the auditorium, the graduation is starting and they're handing out the diplomas already."

"Last one there is a rotten egg!" Ino and Sakura started racing.

"Man, they're so childish aren't they Hinata?" Temari looked at me. "Definitely, but they always make me so happy and introduced me to you guys, so I'm grateful for them, and all of you!"

"Well, I'm glad we're all graduating together then." She laughed.

I took a seat next to Ino while Temari sat with Shikamaru and Sakura sat with Sasuke. "It's hard for us out here, isn't it." Ino sighed. "Definitely."

I waited until they called my name while everyone else's was called, and there I was.

"And Hinata Hyuga, please come up to receive your graduation diploma, we're all proud of you and thank you for being our top student."

Principal Tsunade handed it to me, this was my best end of school year yet.

Temari jumped on me. "Woohoo! I honestly got scared when they didn't call your name yet, I got scared for a second but I guess they were saving the best for last."

"But you should've seen Naruto's face, it wasn't funnier than Kiba falling off the stairs though. Man he's stupid." She laughed.

"Literally. Anyways guys! It's time to go, see you later everyone!" They yelled.

"I can't believe we all did it! Honestly this school year went by fast, maybe because me and Ino didn't really come to school much but we still passed anyway."

"Yeah, don't know how I made it honestly." Kiba laughed awkwardly.

Temari sighed. "It's okay Kiba, we don't know how you did it either but it's whatever. You make me laugh."

"Anyways, let's get this party rolling yeah? Remember everyone in the senior years are invited! So it'll be pretty full."

"Alcohol, really? You know not to put that there or Kiba's dumb self will mistaken that for apple juice again!" Ino yelled at Sakura.

Sakura shrugged. "But you can't lie, that was kind of funny you know."

"What snacks do you guys like? I got everything that people usually eat. Damn, setting up parties are such a drag."

"Do you ever stop saying 'This is such a drag?' keep saying it and you'll become such a drag!" Temari scolded him.

"Yes ma'am, I understand." Shikamaru gulped. "Great, now place the snacks down."

Ino grabbed my shoulders and look at me intensely. "Okay Hinata, are you ready to confess to Naruto tonight?"

"W-what? I didn't say I was doing that at all!-" I blushed. "Well you gotta get it out at some point! I could have a boyfriend before you do!"

"I-I'm just shy you know, I don't think I can confess to him without messing up." I sighed.

"Forget the mess up, slip ups! As long as you got the message out you'll be fine okay? Don't let us down we're counting on ya!"

"Confessing to Naruto.. That's gonna be so hard. I can't function properly when I'm even around him the slightest bit!"

The house got full quick with lots of people, it gave me deja vu the first time Ino and Sakura brought me here to get new friends and that worked, but confessing to Naruto is something else.

I couldn't find Temari Sakura or Ino and sight, so now I was all alone. But then, there's Naruto wandering around like he's looking for someone. Okay, maybe I should try talking to him.

I headed in his direction but then she started to second guess myself. But what if he doesn't like me and everyone is watching? Oh no, now's not the time to be overthinking Hina!

I zoned out until I recognized someone familiar in front of me, it was Naruto. "Hinata! There you are, I was looking for you."

He was looking for me this whole time? I wonder what he wanted. It took me a lot not blush or stammer in front of him.

"I just wanted to tell you something." His blue eyes stared deeply into my eyes. Or was he really looking at my eyes?

"I.. Like- no, I love you Hinata. I may be a little rude and have attitude but I still like you, and I really hope you don't hate me for it and you feel the same way. I've had a bad past with girls since my last relationship. You know, I had a girlfriend named Shion and she used me and manipulated me, I truly loved her but she didn't feel the same about me, so I used to play girls. But something about you made me feel different and made me think that you were the girl that would complete my life, I know we've graduated and I don't even know if we're going to the same college, but you know almost everything about me. My parents, my life everything. So I'm asking you to be my girlfriend, Hinata Hyuga."

I felt the heat rising up to my cheeks, I was blushing madly. Everyone was staring at us, I could barely form a sentence properly. "I-I um.. I love you too N-Naruto, ever since 10th grade I've liked you and now.."

Before I could finish my sentence he cut me off and kissed me, I kissed back. And I couldn't believe it. I just thought this was all just a stupid dream.. A nerd can't be with a bad boy right? Guess that was just proved wrong.

I could hear Temari Ino and Sakura squealing in the background watching us with the boys and the rest of the people in a circle. And I wasn't embarrassed not one bit. Because I'm with the boy almost every girl wanted, the high school bad boy that probably has a soft spot for me.

She's a dreamer, and he is her dream.

- the end <3

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