Chapter 9

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It was finals week, we were about to graduate in less than 5 days, we were planning on having a real graduation party this time and now I wouldn't be so nervous, because now I know almost everyone.

I was sitting down with the girls at my home room class, the exams start in 30 minutes so we had some time to talk, we didn't talk about anything much anyway.

"Sakura, you look happier than ever today, what's up with that? Usually your expression is annoyed all the time when you come to school." I pointed out.

"Actually, You guys won't believe this! Sasuke asked me out yesterday night!"

Temari and Ino jumped from their seats. "Seriously? I hope you said yes girl! He's been your crush since like 10th grade or something! You CANNOT reject him."

"Why would I anyway if he was my crush since 10th grade? Obviously I said yes!" She squealed.

"Since that's off, I guess I should say this too, Shikamaru also kind of asked me out yesterday, obviously I said yes so don't ask if I did." Temari rolled her eyes.

"Lucky! Me and Hinata are still single over here going on strong, but Hinata already has someone waiting for her so it's practically just me."

"W-what, someone likes me? Oh my.. I wonder who it is."

"You'll find out who it is soon Hinata! You'll be blushing like a bouquet of roses."

"Anyways, let's talk about how I'm definitely not passing this, I haven't studied at all! And I can't study quickly now cause it's just gonna make it even worse and then I really won't understand anyway."

Temari laughed. "I'll be fine anyway because Hinata's in my class, so I'll do just fine I'm not sure about you though, Ino. If you have Sakura in your class you're saved, but without her you seem pretty hopeless, hope you make it to college."

"I'll make it one way or another. Because I'm not getting held back for another year of hell." She sighed.

The bell rung and it was already time to go, me and Temari waved Sakura and Ino bye and headed to our lockers for all of our things.

"Okay Hinata, you know the drill. I need to be able to see you in college and bully you about Naruto like usual. And be with my boyfriend of course cause I know he's a genius."

"Y-yeah! Even though it's really not that funny Temari!" She laughed at me.

We walked to our class and took a seat at the back, I took a seat next to Temari and Naruto on my other side. Temari smirked at me.

"Alright class, your end of the year final's which determine that you're ready for college is now starting and has been distributed. Please begin when you are ready, good luck. And no talking to girls. That applies to you Naruto."

Man he gets into so much trouble and doesn't have to worry about getting scolded since his parents are.. Dead? Left? Gone? Don't know but I guess that's why he acts the way he does.


It was time for lunch and I met up with the girls, at our usual table.

Ino sighed. "The exam was so hard.. 3 more days of terror. At least I have Shikamaru to help me or I would or would've been done."

Sakura yelled at her. "The exam wasn't even that hard! You only struggled because you barely studied! Instead you suggested that we play a game instead of focusing on the work and we did and look at that, you're as dumb as a rock Ino! But I'm glad that you had some help because I wouldn't be able to be in college without you I guess."

"Aww! Sakura you're so nice! Anyways, I have some tea to spill here. So there's this guy at the back of my class and his name is Sai and he's kinda cute so like now I'm crushing on him and I think he likes me too but I'm not sure, but I am DEFINITELY inviting him to the party." She squealed.

"And then after that party you'll probably be having a baby on the way knowing how flirty you are sometimes Ino." Temari rolled her eyes.

"Umm, I smell a hater. Excuse me Ms. ma'am." She crossed her arms.

Temari scoffed."You wish. I have a boyfriend of my own!"

"Whatever, anyways Hinata, are you coming with us to help set up the party at Naruto's house? We're getting snacks and drinks."

"N-Naruto's house? I-I'm not sur-"

"Okay so you're coming, that's awesome! Don't worry about Naruto! He'd like to see you there you know, it's the truth."


"Hell yeah! We might not even see each other after this so it's always worth it if it's your last moment or not ya know?"

"Y-yeah, I guess I'll come then. Thank you guys! You're the bestest friends I could ever ask for! I really hope I can see you guys.." Hinata started tearing.

"It's okay Hinata, don't cry! We'll be there with you! And I'm sure Naruto tried his hardest to see you too.."

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