Chapter 5

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Okay, maybe I did have quite a night and drink some alcohol, but I didn't get drunk. But let's just say that I'm grounded because I came back home at 3am in the fucking morning.

Right after I make so many more friends my dad had to ruin it, I'm literally 18! But my dad doesn't seem to believe that and he thinks I'm 13.

I can't even go outside to get food, I might as well just sneak out the damn house, Hanabi is spending the rest of the week at her friends house so now it's just plain boring.

It was now 3pm, I didn't even eat yet because I clearly didn't feel like getting up. But if I was going outside I would've got up in an instant. You would think I was used to it but I wasn't.

She then heard rocks hitting her window, Sakura Ino and Temari were outside her house window.

What are you guys doing here? If my father sees you he's gonna go insane! Hanabi isn't here right now so it's even worse.

"Well you weren't texting back in the group chat which we know that's trouble since you got your phone taken, but anyway you're coming with us! We're hanging out at a restaurant."

"I'm not sure if I should sneak out. My father is very strict you kno-"

"Naruto was asking for you." She smirked.

"W-what? I don't believe you, you'd lie to do anything to get me out of the house or do something."

"Not this time." She said while showing the messages to Hinata.

"Fine, I'll go. I'll just leave a note to him and he'll probably understand. He likes my little sister better though."

"Yeah, but you should really change your clothes Hinata. You're just gonna go out looking like this in front of Naruto?" Temari pointed out.

"H-hey! I don't even know if Naruto likes me or not so I'm still wearing it, and if my father comes in it would be more suspicious so let's just go."

"Suit yourself."

I climbed down the window and I tripped a little but thankfully Sakura caught me, we made our way to the restaurant and man it was kinda fancy, but I really don't regret coming like this.

"Hey guys, over here!" Kiba yelled.

"Kiba stop yelling in here or we're gonna get kicked out you know! This isn't some sort of cheap restaurant." TenTen scolded him.

"Anyways, hey guys! I can't believe you left me all alone with these boy idiots."

"Sorry TenTen, we just left to pick up Hinata, you know she's actually grounded because her father is a real life mood killer."

TenTen looks at me, I smiled awkwardly.

"What for? I hope it wasn't something dumb this time because Sakura and Ino told me all about it."

"Actually he grounded me because I was outside until 3am from the party yesterday.. now I'm grounded until I get more "mature" I guess."

"Hinata, If I had a father like yours I would've ran away already to be honest. He sounds like a real pain in the ass."

"Hey guys sorry to ruin the shit talking mood but umm who's paying again? The waitress is coming over wanted to make sure it's not me because I'm broke as fuck soo.."

"I can pay, it's only like 200 dollars or something, it's fine cuz I'm the richest man alive and wanted by all the ladies." Naruto says smirking.

"I don't mind paying either." Everyone side-eyed Sasuke. "What?"

"A-actually I can p-pay." I say. And the next thing is all the attention Is on me.

"Hinata, are you sure? Aren't you grounded too? Your dad is going to be furious when he sees that transaction."

I-it's fine really, I've done this many times so it'll be okay.

"The full 200$?" Naruto raised an eyebrow at me. "Are you sure?"

Yeah of course! My family is actually quite wealthy so it's okay.. and I don't want any of you guys spending so much money..

Everyone blankly stared at me.

Do I really look that poor? Everyone's staring at me so hard.

"H-Hinata! You're so kind.. It's making me cry!"Ino says tightly hugging me.

And the everyone else is jumping on me, except for Naruto Sasuke and Shikamaru of course.

"Hinata's a generous person and would do anything for anyone, I hope she doesn't get used for that either just like me." Naruto mumbled

"Does someone have a crush I hear or cares about a someone?" Shikamaru asked

"What! You must've been hearing things I didn't say anything of course, I don't like no one I just play with the ladies you know."

"But it seems like Hinata's different for you though. She's rich."

"Well because.. I don't like her okay? I didn't say nothing, nada."

"If you say so.."


"Hinata! I can't believe you just paid 200$ for everyone! You're really too generous you know."

"Maybe she was doing it to impress Naruto you know." Temari laughed.

"H-hey! Only partly you know! But because you guys are my friends so I'd do anything."

"So she does admit it! She did it to Impress Naruto! I think he has a soft spot for you anyway."

W-what? Blushing 100 shades of red.

"Oh, you know.."

I climbed back up the window to my house, luckily right on time before my father came inside my room.

"Hinata Hyuga." He says coldly. And she knew something was wrong when he said her full name.

"Where have you been, why weren't you in your room? Did you forget that you're grounded?"

"Sorry father.." I say, even though I only felt bad for a little while.

"I knew you wouldn't listen anyway, I don't know why I bothered to ground you. Just go get your phone back before I change my mind." He says facepalming.

I ran to get my phone from the table, my father always had a quick change of heart so I always had to be fast. Once I grabbed it I went straight back to my room and quickly texted the group chat.

"I'm not grounded anymore! Thank goodness. My father had a change of heart today."

Though he still doesn't know about the 200$ I spent.

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