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Hongjoong loved watching his groupmates when they practiced.

And today was no different.

A confused Yeosang was standing in the right corner of the practice room, while Mingi and Wooyoung were arguing about whether it was born the chicken or the egg first.

The others members were simply cracking in laughter listening to the two loud friends.

Hongjoong was looking at them with such fondness that he didn't even know when he started smiling.

He loved them.

A voice behind him startled him.

"Joong-ah, is everything alright?"

He turned around to face the owner of the voice, that was looking at him with a soft smile.

Hongjoong couldn't help but smile back.

"Hi hyung. Yes, everything is definitely ok"

He let his gaze on his friends again.

"they're just like kids"

He looked at Seonghwa standing beside him.

"they are"

He and Seonghwa never exchanged a lot of words, but he never -ever- questioned their friendship.

Even though he was the leader, sometimes the pressure was just no longer bearable, and whenever that happened, Seonghwa was always there.

And now was one of those moments.

Those moments where Hongjoong's sight became too foggy to write anything.

Those moments where he could barely hold in his tears.

Those moments where he felt all the weight on his shoulders.

He let out a quiet sigh leaning his head on his studio's desk, trying to think of something positive to hold back his tears, and maybe to stop feeling like this.

He took his phone out of his back pocket, unlocking it, and he let himself call the only person that had ever seen him like this before.

The phone rang once, twice, before a voice could be heard on the other side.

"Joong-ha, where are you?"

The soft but worried voice of Seonghwa filled his ears and he managed to muffle a sob.

Hongjoong only called Seonghwa when he felt like this, and he guessed the older realized that too since every time Hongjoong called he would always ask where he was in a worried tone.

it was comforting.

Hongjoong took a shaky breath.


He finally let out.

The call ended after that and not even five minutes later a knock was heard on the door.

"Hongjoong, can I come in?"

Said the gentle voice of his hyung from behind the closed door.

Hongjoong had his head still on his desk, his vision was still blurry, and he could have bet that his voice was shaky.

He couldn't bring himself to answer.

The door slightly opened and a black haired head popped from behind it.


Said the male entering and closing the door behind him.

He turned Hongjoong chair to his direction and he crouched down in front of him.

"Hey Joong, I'm here. Is it another of those moments?"

Asked Seonghwa cupping Hongjoong's face with one hand and gently forcing him to look at him.

Hongjoong just nodded and Seonghwa's eyes softened.

"it's okay. You're okay. I'm here, yeah?"

Said the black haired male wrapping his arms around Hongjoong capturing him in a thight hug.

And Hongjoong started crying.

He let out everything. The frustration for not being able to write something that made sense. The tiredness from countless sleepless night. The pressure from being a leader when he knew that he wasn't ready to be one, even if he has been the leader for years now.

When the tears finally stopped falling from his eyes he raised his head to find Seonghwa's caring gaze already on him.


Asked the male.


Replyed Hongjoong.

It was eleven in the evening when Hongjoong decided he wanted to return to the dorms.

Seonghwa remained with him for half an hour after Hongjoong stopped crying just to make sure he was ok, but then left when San called him, asking him for an advice.

He was gathering his things when he saw something that catched his attenction on the screen of his pc.

Youtube was still open -he tried to re listen to his songs to find some sort of inspiration- but in his suggested video there was one with him and Seonghwa on the cover.

'What's this?'

He clicked on the video.

Clip of the two of them were put together in the video, and watching them, Hongjoong felt something strange.

They were edited yes, but not much. Even though Hongjoong couldn't help but think that if he didn't knew better he would think he and Seonghwa were dating.

But -surprisingly- the thought didn't bother him.

He scrolled through the comments for the fans reactions and was surprised when he read some of them.


"they be dating fr"


But one comment cought his eye.
He read it again.

"wow, this video reminded me of a fanfiction i read some time ago. I really loved it. *link attached* "

Hongjoong paused to consider the -probably bad- idea that was popping up in his mind.

Then he clicked the link.

Guess he would come back to the dorms later.

𝔹𝕖𝕔𝕒𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 [SeongJoong]Where stories live. Discover now