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Hongjoong stood in front of Seonghwa's room, uncertain.

He wanted to apologize, to make things right again, but he was so fucking scared.

Seonghwa probably knew now and that made him feel bad.


Because he fell for his groupmate, and that was not good.

Hell it wasn't even ok.

But he forced himself to knock on the closed door, because even if he could live with a broken heart, he couldn't live without Seonghwa.

So he raised his hand and knocked twice on the wooden door.

No answer.

He knocked again.

Still no answer.

He took the handle and opened the room.

Seonghwa was on his stomach on his bed, sleeping.

Hongjoong got closer, sitting beside Seonghwa, and he started whispering.

"Hey Seonghwa... Hwa. I- I'm really sorry for earlier. I know I shouldn't have read those things but i stumbled across them one night and they just... I felt warm.
And I feel warm."

He started caressing Seonghwa'hair gently not to wake him.

"It's wrong to feel like this, I know, but whenever you talk to me my heart starts racing and I feel this warmth in my chest and... And I keep noticing these little things you do that make me feel like I'm important and... I... I guess I fell for you.
I'm sorry."

He adverted his gaze from the sleeping Seonghwa beside him and he felt his eyes watering.

"...You don't have to be."

Hongjoong's head snapped back to Seonghwa, just to find him already looking in his direction.

Hongjoong froze.

"You don't have to be sorry."

Repeated Seonghwa.

"But... but it's wrong. I shouldn't be feeling like this. Not because you're a man, that's not- You're my groupmate. We- I- This is stupid. I'm stupid. Sorry."

And while Hongjoong was rumbling Seonghwa was taking his phone, tapping on the screen.

He returned his gaze on Hongjoong.

"I guess we're both stupid."

He smiled softly, showing the younger the screen of his phone.

There there was the same app Hongjoong had, it just had a 'write' option.

Hongjoong couldn't believe his eyes.

He had that too??

Why did he have it??

Seonghwa looked at his phone again, clicking something else.

𝔹𝕖𝕔𝕒𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 [SeongJoong]Where stories live. Discover now