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"I promise i'm alright Joong"

Seonghwa was sitting on the bed, while hongjoong on the chair that had been pulled up from the floor.

Seonghwa didn't let Hongjoong sit on the bed with him.

"But if you're alright how come your cheeks were so fucking red? And what's with the pulse??"

Insisted. He was really worried.

But Seonghwa looked at him with an unreadable expression and Hongjoong did 2+2.

Now his cheeks flushed red and he was looking at Seonghwa with wide eyes.

"Oh you- oh shit! you were- Fuck I'm sorry!"

He hid his face behind his hand and heard Seonghwa sigh.

"Don't worry Joong. It's fine. I didn't even realize the time. Just... sorry, you know?"

Hongjoong looked at him from behind his fingers and Seonghwa was, in fact, not mad.

"Yeah no- yeah I'm- I'm just gonna go ok? Sorry again"

He stood up abruptly from Seonghwa's chair and almost ran outside the door.


He yelled again from the hallway, and Seonghwa couldn't help but chuckle.

Hongjoong was laying on his bed.

He couldn't shake the thought of Seonghwa touching himself from his mind and he was so embarassed with himself.

He thought about the netification on his phone earlier and he decided to read.

Yeah, he would still be think8ng about Seonghwa, but at least he wouldn't be thinking of him like 'that'

He clicked on the notification and he started reading, until his eyes widened in surprise.

'smut waning' was written in the middle of the chapter.

Hongjoong gulped and kept reading.

He guessed the universe didn't want to let his poor mind rest, but who was he to argue with the universe?

So he read.

And at the end of the chapter he found himself hard again.

He sighed.

He really, really didn't want to think like that of his groupmate, but he couldn't help it.

And after reading what he read it was so much more difficult not to think like that.

He reached for the waistband of his boxers, trcing it with his fingers before sliding it down.

His fingers wrapped around him once again and he started thrusting.

One hand was holding up his shirt while the other... well, the other was kinda occupied.

𝔹𝕖𝕔𝕒𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 [SeongJoong]Where stories live. Discover now