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Tom paused when he saw her

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Tom paused when he saw her.

He watched her light up the cigarette, take a drag, and exhale the smoke. His confusion and disgust were evident as he eyed the thing in her hand.

"What are you doing?" he asked, his voice tinged with both curiosity and disdain.

Arabella met his gaze with a raised eyebrow. "Just enjoying a smoke. Care for one?" she offered, holding the pack towards him.

Tom recoiled slightly. "I'd rather not die by making such stupid choices."

She shrugged, taking another drag. "To each their own."

He scowled at her disapprovingly. "That cigarette is a killing machine, you know. It weakens you, ruins your lungs, destroys you from inside out. Unless you want to age quicker, I suggest you burn that entire packet."

"Relax Tom, I have no intention of dying... yet. You should know that." Her eyes taunted him with a playful glint.

Tom's eyes narrowed. "How long have you been standing there?"

Arabella blew out a plume of smoke before responding casually, "Not long. Just long enough to witness your little discussion with Slughorn."

Tom's suspicion flickered across his face. Of course she had stayed back when she saw he hadn't come out. "And?"

"You got the confirmation you needed, didn't you?"

He didn't respond. All his hunger and excitement from earlier had diminished like a flame doused by a splash of water.

Arabella smirked, the cigarette dangling from her gloved fingers. "So, when are you going to do it?"

"That's none of your business," he answered quickly. His expression, though, remained guarded.

Arabella scoffed, her irritation rising. "I'm by your side in all your plans, remember? I should know everything."

Tom's mind raced. Her assertion irked him. Control was slipping through his fingers, and he despised the feeling of being observed, analysed. He needed to flip it around.

"How can you say that? You somehow figured out everything about me, my past. You know all about my plans, but I know next to nothing about you! Tell me, Chambers. Tell me how you survived the killing curse, tell me how you know so much about me, tell me why you're so powerful," he demanded.

Arabella pushed herself off the wall and began walking away, but Tom wasn't done. He caught up to her, yelling, "Chambers you cannot expect me to confide in you like a partner when you tell me nothing of yourself. Every mention of immortality disgusts you, yet you are immortal. Or you are not and you just figured out how to survive an unforgivable curse. I wouldn't know, though, because you won't tell me!"

Arabella stoped walking and faced Tom. "Oh, shut up about the partners thing, Tom. You and I both know the only reason you have appointed me that title is because I am too powerful to be against you and too powerful to be killed." At Tom's slight surprise, she smiled. "Oh, darling, we've discussed this too many times. Don't be surprised I know everything."

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