"Spectral slumbers"

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Yoona's pov:
I left the venue as faster i can i was numb at this point not knowing what i was feeling i wanna cry my eyes out but there was no sign of tears.I walked faster took the cab and walked to my comfort place my studio i played music and started dancing with the only thought that i would not be able to handle any emotions if i would give myself time to think about anything.
Its been 2 hours i am still dancing i am tired but the emotions its still there ,suddenly the door opened and non other than my comfort my home my everything walked in with worried expression .She tried to speak "Yoona bab....."i cut her of by throwing myself into her arms my only home.She hugged me back caressing my hairs she asked"Yonna how are you" and "Why are you here?" ,"What happen hun shua called me while i was at airport and asked me to check on you ?", "You know i was planning to surprise you but you being you ,I got worried about you girl i was so tensed that where you would be ","Than i thought if something is going on inside your tiny head you will be here","Baby tell your unnie(sister)what happen hun?".

I was missing her badly its been a month and she was abroad because of her work  but now i am in her arms my comfort place.
"Unnie i missed you"I replied.
"I missed you to baby"she said.
I left her and looked straight into her eyes she was looking at me back ,holding her tears back. She squished my cheeks and asked again"Something happened right?"
I shook my head as a no and she sighed and answered"You don't need to think about anything girl whatever happens you will always be the strongest" .
I smiled at her and asked"when did you come and why the hell you didn't informed me i would have came to pick you up"
"I wanted to surprise you baby and uncle aunt too" she replied and smiled widely.
"Hmm" i answered.
"Let's go then"she said .

I noded and left with her .We both were now sitting side by side in taxi she was taking glances of me and suddenly she sighed heavily and said "When will you move on girl it was not at all your mistake whatever happens it always have reason behind it".
I looked at her all annyoned i am done with people telling me all the shit "I still didn't find the damn fucking reason unnie(sister)its been years no matter what it will always be same " i growled .She looked at me with teary eyes i sighed and answered again"Unnie(sister) it will always be same even if whole world will love me even i will love myself and all but still i will never be loved by him ,the one who should be my comfort my home is nothing but a nightmare to me" and with that a tear escaped my eye i looked outside the window wipping it off so unnie(sister) don't notice it.

We reached and walked inside ,unnie greeted my mom my muma gave me a smile and  a tight hug to unnie.I was admiring them until i heard the footsteps knowing  who it was i walked to my room locking my door i lay down on my bed and checked my phone there were 10+ miscall as well as messages from Minji wnd shua .I sighed and called shua back .

He answered immediately with alot a questions like "Hey where are you ,"Are you insane " ,"Are you okay you aren't hurt right?"he asked "Why the hell you were not answering any of our phone calls " he growled.And this time i got scared cause he never loses his temper no matter what .He sighed and again asked "You're okay right?" I hummed and continued"I am okay shua don't worry its just i was feeling suffocated there so i just left sorry i didn't informed any of you "i stopped to take a deep breath and said "Sorry i know i should've been more careful or would have informed you but i hope you understand that i was unable to think any of the things at that moment".
"I know Yonna you are very mature and always take decisions thinking about it twice but sorry its just we both got worried and i had to inform unnie knowing the fact that you don't listen to anyone except her"he answered.

"Its okay shua i am the one who should be sorry"i replied.
"Hmm just take care and don't worry i will inform Minji too just take rest"shua said
"Bye" was all i said before ending the call.
Suddenly someone knocked at my door i questioned all confused "Who is it ?"
"Its me yonna"unnie answered .
I opened the door quickly she entered my room with some fruits and took a seat at the couch.I gave her a confused look she sighed  and said "you need to eat something first after that you can sleep i will not disturb you at all promise".
"Okay mam"i answered taking a seat next to her .She smiled and gave me some fruits and after some time she left.I took a cold shower and then drifted into my deep sulmber.

"Yah you're again ignoring me "i shouted all annoyed by his behaviour.
"No i am not i am just focusing on yourself i swear"he replied .
"Then repeat the same words that left my mouth"i said crossing my arms looking straight at his beautiful eyes .
"I was listening to you but its just you're looking so pretty that i forget all  the things around me even i wasn't able to focus on the things you were telling me sorry"he said .
"You are insane ","Sometimes i wonder what did i see in you that i fell for you?"i replied.
"My eyes which hold the eternal love for you "he answered and suddenly take me into his arms ,he started spinning me around."Yah hajima(don't)"I shouted all scared.
"Don't worry you will not fall until i am holding you ","And i will never let you go"he said placing a kiss at my forehead.
"I know and I lo ...."before i can confess my love to him felt somebody shaking me .

"Yonna"i heard a voice .And suddenly i woke up and looked at the same walls ,mirror, wardrobe and everything and there she was standing in front of me with a terrified expression.And then i again felt water drops at my whole face and then i know what happened it was all a dream or a "Spectral slumber"and this time i remember everything but there faces they were confessing something but before that i woke up.

"Yah are you okay",Are you hurt or sick what happened hn ?"unnie asked holding my hands .I just looked at her not knowing what i should do or say."What happen just tell me hn i am your unnie right yonna, when i came to woke you up you were all covered with sweat and tears even murmuring something ."she asked.I sighed and answered "Unnie it must have some weird nightmare nothing else don't worry".
She just nooded and gave a slight assuring smile that she trust me. And i just went to bathroom to do my daily routine cause i need to go to college today.

Author's pov:
He just reached his office and asked his secretary about his sedhule while taking his seat at his cabin.Suddenly he stopped and questioned his secretary "Did you met her?".
"Yes i do i mean she just greeted me and after that she just left the venue with her boyfriend "he answered.
"Okay but i guess i had to meet her Cause mom was asking about her just fix an appointment with her"he said reading the file in his hand.
"Yes sir i will try but i don't think so she will get ready you know her ,she is so stubborn she will say that she want to meet you as a sister not as some client so it will be better if you will contact her yourself"his secretary answered bowed and left.
He sighed and thought "Kim Taehyung you should fire him before you end up getting behind the bars for killing someone ".

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