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We all went inside, and Oppa said, "Today, arcade, Yonna? After so long." I nodded, saying, "Just felt like joining everyone here today." Oppa nodded, and Unnie said, "But Yonna, we don't know how to shoot." I chuckled and said, "It's okay, Unnie, you all can learn." Minji giggled, holding Shua's hand, and said, "Yes, Shua, let's learn shooting today."Shua nodded, and they both went to an instructor.

Unnie picked up a gun and said, "Yonna, it's not that heavy. But the first time when I held your gun, it felt very heavy?" I nodded and said, "Yes, Unnie, its weight was much heavier . In my childhood, it felt even heavier,i even hurted my hand."
Unnie gave me a confused look and said, "Yonna, as far as I remember, you never got hurt due to the gun."
I then realized i just  mixed the reality and my dreams. While I was thinking, Tae asked, "Yonna, who taught you to hold a gun?" I stayed quiet because no one ever taught me to hold a gun.

Unnie said, "Tae, even I don't know. Since Yonna was a child, she has been interested in shooting, and her aim is impressive. Maybe she learned by playing."
I nodded and said, "Oppa, Unnie, I'll help you guys with the instructor."They nodded and left happily. Tae and another guy, Jungkook, stood there looking at me. I said, "I'll help you guys first", Tae nodded and said, "Jungkook is good at shooting, even I know a bit, Yonna, but you can assist me."

I agreed, and while helping Tae, a thought struck me about the unknown person in my dreams who  helped me. Now, I'm helping Tae, and these coincidences are getting too frequent. Tae took shot, and the score was good. I was assisting Tae when Minji said, "Yonna, show us your shooting skills." I was about to decline because I couldn't gather the courage to lift the gun.

Unnie intervened, saying, "Yes, Yonna, it's been a long time since I've seen you shoot. Show everyone who the ace is." I sighed, raised my head, gathered courage, lifted the gun. Memories and everything flashed before my eyes, but I remained calm. My hands were trembling as I aimed, and just when I was about to lose control, I heard a chuckle. I looked, and Jungkook was the one who was chuckling and he said "yonna your small hands aren't meant to hold a gun ,you should go home and focus on simpler things ".

And i lose it all i growled "don't you dare judge me specially when it comes to shooting ",he smirked leaning in said "oh it doesn't seem like that Ms.yonna ",I stood there, seething with anger, and said, "Okay, so why don't we have a match? The one with the higher shooting score gets to fulfill the other's wish." His smirk faded, and as I approached, I taunted, "Scared, huh?" He smirked again and responded, "I'm not scared. Hope you're not scared, Tigress." I froze at that nickname.

Still, I chose to ignore it and raised my gun, pointing it at the target with trembling hands. The sound of the gun firing echoed, and when I turned around, Jungkook was holding my hand, guiding me on how to handle the gun. He whispered, "That's how you handle a gun, Hope we will have amazing match." I was captivated by his skilled shooting. We both decided to We both decided that we would shoot the gun five times, and the one with the higher score would win.

As he faced the target and fired, he stepped back, leaving me in awe. Our score was same after the fourth round .I shot again, and this time, my score was nine. When he took his turn, he scored eight. Everyone applauded, and hugged me. And I asked Jungkook, "why?" He smirked and was about to leave until I caught him and pulled him with me out of the room. I asked again, "why?" He ignored me, and as he was about to leave, I trapped him against the wall from both sides.

He sighed, and I again asked, "why?" He chuckled and said, "just thought to do a favour" This made me angrier, and I said, "hmm, you proved me wrong. I thought you were Tae's friend, so you must be good-hearted. I thought you genuinely cared about making everyone happy, and that's why you let me win because you knew everyone wanted to see me win." He smirked and said, "you're wrong. I won't care about anyone's feelings until I have a heart, and I don't have one." I was in disbelief, asking, "you don't have a heart?"

He replied with a "yes?" I leaned in closer and said, "yes, you're heartless," and he responded, "well, whatever it is, it's racing right now." I fell silent, just looking at him. There was a different calmness in his eyes, a unique passion in his being. I felt surprisingly calm, and his soft gaze melted away my anger. I kept looking at him until I heard Tae's voice saying, "Yonna." I quickly realized our position and immediately backed off.

Tae asked, "What happened, Yonna? Why did you pull him aside?" I sighed and said, "Tae, I just wanted to ask about wish from Jungkook. I'm the winner, right? So, I thought of asking for something." He nodded and asked, "What did you ask for?" I replied, "I had something simple in mind, but now I'll ask for something challenging." Tae chuckled, held my hand, and said, "Let's go. How about we all watch a movie?" I nodded and left with him.

Jungkook's pov:
When we suggested shooting to Yonna, I observed her closely. It was the first time she stood so close to me. Until I noticed that her hands were trembling, and I understood that she still faced issues from her past. So, I decided to make her angry and challenge her. She did shoot, even if it was for the challenge to win, but she nailed it. I wanted her to win; I wanted to see the smile on her face. That's why I let myself lose. But I forgot that she is Yonna. She understood immediately that I deliberately lost. She was very close to me, so close that I was afraid that when she leaves, I would feel alone. When Taehyung hyung arrived, she left, taking her warmth with her. I also went inside, and we all went to watch a movie.

We all reached the movie theatre, and everyone chose a horror movie. I was a bit scared, but I agreed nonetheless. Taehyung held my hand, saying, "It's okay; you don't need to be scared. The movie won't be to scary." I asked, "Are you reassuring me, or are you reassuring yourself?" He smiled. We all went inside, Unnie and Oppa in front, followed by Minji and Shua behind, Taehyung on my left tightly holding my hand. I glanced to my right, and Jungkook was engrossed in his phone.

The movie was about to start when my phone rang. It was a message from Minji saying, "All the best, girl." I turned back, and Minji winked at me. Before I could say anything, the movie started. It wasn't as scary as I expected, and I remained calm. Suddenly, a ghost appeared on the screen, and I flinched. I felt  a hand on mine, and when I looked up, Jungkook was giving me an assured look.

I nodded, taking glance of him sometimes, while he remained immersed in the movie. When i turned my left, Taehyung was froze, not reacting at all. I moved my hand, which he was holding tightly, and he screamed, scattering popcorn everywhere. Everyone stared at us, thinking the movie was too much for us. I grabbed Taehyung's hand, telling everyone, "We're leaving." They nodded, and I walked out with him, all annoyed.

I was still dragging him when my phone buzzed, and I saw Minji's message. I read it, "I warned you with a all the best , Oppa is scared of horror movies." I sighed. We both came out, and I let go of his hand, observing him as he looked down. I held his cheek, and he looked at me. I said, "What happened? You could have refused to watch a horror movie if it scared you, Tae." He nodded and replied, "I thought if you judged me for being scared of horror movies." I sighed and said, "It's okay; I get scared too. But accepting our fears doesn't make us weak; it makes us human. Everyone has something they fear, but we should be brave enough to accept it."

He nodded, and I patted his head, saying, "That's like my good boy." He smirked, holding me by my waist and pulling me close, asking, "So, am I yours?" I sighed and said, "So, you're back." We both chuckled, and I hugged him. He hugged me back, and I whispered, "Thank you so much, Tae." He asked, "Why?" I replied, "For everything." He held me tight, and I felt warmth and my heart beating fast. A thought crossed my mind – is this the same warmth I felt in my dreams? Until Minji interrupted, saying, "Here they are, holding each other like their lives depend on it." I pulled out of the hug, and Tae said, "I was scared, and I needed that hug." Everyone nodded, and they suggested we all go to dinner together.

We all came to Minji's house because aunty suggested we have a family dinner. Everyone was seated, waiting for dinner, when Minji held my hand and dragged me to her room. She closed the door from the inside and brought me to sit on the bed. I looked at her with a confused expression and asked, "What's the matter, Minji? Why did you bring me here?" She held my hands and said, "Yonna, I want to ask you something. Please don't get angry." I nodded, and she asked, "Do you like oppa?"

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