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Yonna's pov:
I woke up and looked here and there i was in a room and i was confused until i remembered the face i hate the most .I got up and eommo was sitting next me she held my hands and asked "are you okay baby ?how did you lost you concious?"i slightly smiled and said "i guess i was just tried of dancing eommo se i needed some rest "she sighed .And i looked around the room and asked "where are others eommo they must be tensed because of me "She noded and got up and said "i will call them dear "i nodded .

After some time the door opened with bang and unnie came and embraced me and started crying oppa too came and embraced both of us ,his eyes were filled with tears i sighed ,and said "unnie,oppa i am okay ,but you both are hugging me so tightly that I can't even breathe. Don't say if something happened to me," I finished, and they both hit my head. I growled, and they pulled out of the hug.

Unnie said, "Why do you enjoy scaring us, Yonna?" I smiled and replied, "I enjoy it when you guys take care of me." She glared at me, and I sighed. I got up from the bed and said, "Unnie, Oppa, why are you both sitting? Get up; the party is still pending." Oppa replied, "It's been hours, Yonna. Everyone has gone home, and it's almost morning. You were unconscious for hours." I sighed, held Minji's hand, and apologized, "Sorry, girl. I guess I got tired of dancing and fainted. That's why the engagement got ruined." She hugged me and started crying.

I looked around the room, and everyone's eyes was teary. I patted Minji's head and asked, "What happened, Minji? Is everything okay?" She replied while sobbing, "Yonna, why didn't you tell us anything?" I froze and looked at unnie, who looked down and said, "Everyone was very tense, Yonna, so I had to tell them." I pulled out of the hug and growled, "Unnie, it's my life. How dare you share anything without my permission?"

Unnie was about to say something when oppa spoke up, "Yonna, it wasn't Hyeson; I told everyone." I sighed, looked around the room, and replied while pulling my hair, "This, this look, I don't want this, just look at them, oppa. They all are looking at me with pity and sympathy, and I didn't want that." I threw everything that was placed on the table, everyone flinched, and they all back off. Unnie came close, trying to hold me, saying, "Yonna, baby, try to understand, Jun..." I stopped her, growling, "Unnie, I told you, I don't even want to hear his name," and I left the room.

Taehyung's pov:
I had never seen her behaving like that i just wanted to hug her and take away all her pain but i know the more i will go closer to her at this time the more distant she will become with that i sighed and left the room .

Hyeson's pov:
I entered the house and directly went to yonna's room .Her room was locked from inside i sighed thinking atleast she is at home safe.And with that i walked away .

Yonna's pov:
I changed my clothes and got freshen up with a cold shower .I sat at my bed with a thought "I won't let him come back into my life again; he can't hurt me in any way. I am not the old Yonna; I am stronger now. I will also manage my relationships. In the morning, I will spend time with everyone," and with that I drifted into a sweet slumber.

"Why have we come here?" I asked, confused. He hugged me from behind and said, "Why do we go to a shooting arcade, angel?" I replied, pouting, "Obviously, to shoot." He chuckled and responded, "We are here to shoot too." I gave him a shocked look and said, "But I don't know how to shoot, and guns are too heavy. I tried once when I was little, and it hurt my hands..." He smiled, leaning in, whispering, "I'm here; I'll teach you. I don't want anyone else touching you. Since you're my girlfriend, you should know how to handle a gun at least." I looked at him with a confused expression and asked, "How does shooting relate to being your girlfriend?" He glanced around and said, "Never mind; let's learn shooting."

I nodded and tried to lift the heavy gun; he chuckled, "It's not about how you hold the gun, angel." Pouting, I said, "So teach me." He held me from behind and taught me. After the 20th shot, my score was 9, and I was very happy. I dropped the gun, ran to him, and hugged him like a koala. He pecked me and said, "We'll come here often now, and your skills will get even better. Today, you did very well. Well done." I nodded and said, "But I can't point a gun at anyone." He gave me a confused look and asked, "Why?" I sighed and replied, "No one should take someone else's life; no one is inherently good or bad. It's the circumstances that force them into becoming what they are."

He nodded and then asked, "What if someone points a gun at you?" I moved my head and said, "I don't know, maybe even then, I wouldn't be able to shoot." He held my face with his big hands and asked, "What if you had to point a gun at me?" I chuckled and answered, "Before that, I'd probably point it at myself." He sighed and suggested, "If such a situation ever arises, you'll always save yourself, and I'm okay with that." I just nodded because he was too stubborn.

The shrill blare of the alarm pierced through the silence.I got up, my face filled with tears as usual. I sighed and thought, "Who is he ? What's happening ? Why the hell everything feels connected?And now, shooting – him and me.' I don't remember the impact, but shooting has always been my favorite. In fact, my instructors have praised me. I still remember how my instructor was shocked – a little girl holding a gun for the first time scored perfectly on the first shot. How did I manage it? Do I miss something, or is it just my dreams? I sighed and thought I got an idea, at least a way to spend time with everyone. I've never touched a gun in these 6 years because of him – Jun? Shut up yonna you should not think about him ".

I got up, took a shower, and told Oppa,tae, Minji, and Shua to meet me at the shooting arcade. I went downstairs, and Unnie was sitting there. While having breakfast, I casually said, 'Unnie, we need to go somewhere. Come quickly.'"
She followed me "I sat in the car, starting to drive. Unnie said, "Sorry, Yonna." I stopped her in the middle and said, "You don't need to apologize; I've forgiven you." Unnie smiled and asked, "So, where are we going?" I replied, "It's a surprise, Unnie." She nodded.

My phone rang, and I answered. Oppa said, "Yonna, we all are already here; when will you join us?" I replied, "Oppa, in 10 minutes," and ended the call, increasing the car's speed. Unnie held my hand and said, "Yonna, slow down, please." I smirked and accelerated. Unnie closed her eyes, and soon we arrived. Everyone was waiting outside. I applied the brakes, parked the car, and saw Unnie. I said, "Unnie, get out." She opened her eyes and said, "We're alive." I chuckled, "Yes, we are."

Unnie nodded, looked at me with wide eyes, and said, "Yonna, look behind..." I stopped her in the middle and said, "Unnie, they are my friends; it's okay." Unnie sighed, and she got out. Two officers came, knocking at the car window. I got out, intending to speak, but everyone approached. Tae asked, "officers, what's the problem?" I sighed, and the officers replied, "This miss broke traffic rules, and as far as I remember, we met her last month, right? Your name is ummm... Yon... Yes, Yonna, right?"He looked at me, and I just nodded, annoyed. He said, "Today, you have to come with us."

I was getting frustrated; I was about to speak when Oppa came in front of me and said, "Officers,I'm sorry, really sorry on her behalf. Can you spare me a second?"and left with the officers. I was just looking at them, and Oppa gave them something, and they left. Oppa came to me and said, "Yonna, sometimes follow traffic rules. Think about what could have happened. Look at Hyeson; she's still scared. Think a bit about your life. Traffic rules are created for a reason, Yoona."
I just nodded and smirked, saying, "Oppa, rules are meant to be broken."Oppa just sighed, and we all went inside.

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