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Author's pov:
She was scared looking straight at the man looking at her like he's gonna kill her and then he called her name she walked while trembling to him he shook his head and said"Why the hell you don't focus on studies girl?" "You have the lowest score while your friends have the highest score" she noded all annoyed cause he was scolding her in front of everyone."Minji.."he shouted and she flinched,he sighed and said "go back to your seat and focus on the board".

She took a seat next to her friends and looked at them with teary eyes her friends gave her a assuring smile she smiled back and started dozing off again the professor was so done looking at her again dozing of in his class .After sometime the class ended and Minji sighed and looked at her friends "i will kill him someday "she said to which the person sitting next to her laughed while the other one rolled her eyes .
They walked to cafeteria taking there usual seats they start gossiping about the test and professor suddenly Minji jumped while looking at her phone with huge eyes her boyfriend asked her the reason of her weird behaviour she smiled and hugged him and answered "I am so happy "with a giggle she continued"Its the very first time that he contacted me first to meet ".

Yonna's pov:
I looked at her all confused i looked at shua but he was looking all confused too.So I asked Minji"Who?" .She smiled and gave me a wink with the reply"You will see" and left the place .I looked at shua with an raised eyebrow and he answered"I don't know maybe a friend?" .I hummed and continued chewing my launch.
Finally the last class ended and i was walking at corridor while arranging the things at my bag but suddenly i bumped into someone and i was about to fall but he grabbed me by my hands and when i looked up it was non other than the guy who was at event .He was looking at me without even blinking i got chills down my spine and straightened i bowed and apologized as well as thanked him before leaving.I was about to leave but Minji shouted my name from behind i looked at her and she was smiling widely.

She came running towards me and suddenly she hugged the man next to me. He hugged her back and i looked at them shocked suddenly shua came and gave me a confused look i shook my head in denial that i don't know what's going on.She left him , hold his hand and looked at us and said"Yonna ,Shua meet my oppa(brother) Kim Taehyung "She smiled widely and than introduced us to him"Oppa she is yonna the girl i talked about and he is shua my love"she giggled saying "love".I sighed and was about to leave but suddenly her brother forwarded his hand for handshake and said "Hi my name is Kim Taehyung"i gave my hand to him and answered"Hi myself Yonna".I looked straight at his eyes which were filled with purity and love .I tried to leave his hand but his grip got tightened i stared at him with a serious look and said "Sorry Mr.kim but can you leave my hand"he smiled and said "No" .I was about to lose my temper and ready to throw my hands but suddenly Minji came and hold his hand while giving me a pleading eyes she answered "He is just joking yonna "I sighed and gave her a small smile and he left my hand .I was about to leave but halted when i heard him saying"Hope we meet again" .I turned around and answered "Hope to never see this preety face of yours Mr.Kim ,I kinda hate people with beautiful faces ".and i left.

Taehyung's pov:
I was walking at the corridor while looking at my phone until somebody bumped at me and there i saw her looking at me with her beautiful doe eyes which were empty.I was admiring her until she started bowing and apologizing .She was about to leave until little devil called her name "Yonna" a beautiful name like her.Little devil run towards us and hugged me i took her in my embrace back ,then suddenly i saw a boy coming towards us i saw yonna and him exchanging some glances .And then Minji introduced me i looked at yonna she was standing there without any expressions whereas the boy bowed and smiled and then Minji introduced them.And i had to say Minji has a nice choice the boy was handsome as well as polite .Yonna was about to leave but i forwarded my hand for handshake while introducing myself she hold my hand and i felt comfort in her touch i felt alive.She introduced herself and i was lost in her until she asked me to leave i didn't wanted to but then Minji came and i realized what i was doing i left her hand she was leaving until i told her to that i hope to see her again but again she gave me an unexpected answer.I sighed and looked at her leaving figure while thinking"that there was something so comfortable so lovely in her presence but when she left the warmth was gone".Minji hold my hand and we walked to car to leave for house.

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