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flashback continued:

jun's pov:
The birthday surprise was a success, everyone relishing the celebration. Yonna, in her joy, became more adorable after indulging in a bit too much alcohol. As the party came to an end, I escorted everyone out, leaving only Yonna and me in my room. She looked enchanting, but I was determined to keep my composure, even though we were both inebriated.

Despite my attempts to resist, she approached, expressing her desire for me. Overwhelmed with the idea of finally claiming her as mine, we shared a passionate kiss. I lifted her gently, maintaining the connection, and continued to shower her with affection. However, as I kissed her neck, she suddenly pushed me away, i mumbled in confusion ,"kitten...." whipe she uttered  words that shattered my world.

"I am not your kitten or anything; I am Angel, Ko.ok.....e's Angel," she declared. Numb with confusion, I tried to approach her, but she sternly warned me not to touch her, claiming "don't you dare touch me i belong to someone else not you .....". Tears welled in my eyes as she succumbed to the effects of alcohol, vomiting, and losing consciousness.

Swiftly, I changed her soiled clothes, laying her down with utmost care. As I prepared to leave, she reached for my hand, mumbling, "Don't leave me, please... I love you, Kooki... Jung......." The realization hit me like a tidal wave; she was calling out to someone else, not me. Heartbroken, tears streamed down my face. Leaving a note with painkillers for her morning headache, I departed, abandoning not just her but a part of myself.

I tried my best to ignore yonna after that night cause i knew it that the moment i will show her again i will lost it lost myself again in her and i was scared about it .Amidst the farewell party, I attempted to bury my feelings for Yonna, knowing that seeing her again would unravel all my efforts. Resigning from school and leaving the country, I reluctantly attended the event with colleagues. Yonna, ethereal as always, caught my eye, but I averted my gaze, drowning my emotions in alcohol.

Observing her chatting with a guy intensified my anger, assuming he might be the one she loved. Fueled by frustration, I left the party, seeking solitude. Suddenly, Jiwoo, Yonna's best friend, approached, confessing her feelings for me before I departed. Confused, I listened as she uttered, "I love you, and I am sorry." Without warning, she pulled me into a kiss, and in my intoxicated state, I reciprocated, yearning for a connection that resembled the one I had with Yonna.

However, my moment of weakness was shattered when I heard a voice. I turned to find Yonna standing there, tears streaming down her face. Confusion enveloped me as I realized she must be acting. Fuelled by a desire to hurt her in return, I uttered harsh words, watching her crumble to her knees in tears.  I saw through her act; the one who had truly betrayed our love was her, not me. Chuckling bitterly, I thought she might believe I was unaware of her infidelity, making her need to feign heartbreak all the more ironic.

Leaving everything behind, I walked away, hoping to forget her and move on. Little did I know, the decision to leave was inadvertently abandoning myself, as my love for her remained unwavering.

As I distanced myself from the life we once shared, the echoes of her laughter and the warmth of her touch lingered in my memories. In the solitude of my departure, I yearned for the love that defined us.

In that moment of leaving, I whispered to the winds, "I thought I was leaving her, but in truth, I am leaving my own self with her, and my heart will forever beat for her alone."

Author's pov:
In the intricate tapestry of their lives, Jun carried a heavy heart, unaware that Yonna harbored love for him in the depths of her soul. The cruel twists of fate, however, steered them onto an unexpected path, forcing them apart.

Despite the silent whispers of affection between them, circumstances played a cruel hand, weaving a narrative of separation. Both found themselves navigating a world devoid of the solace they once found in each other, leaving their hearts shattered in the wake of a love that remained unspoken and unfulfilled.

flashback ends!

Author's pov:
Yonna stood there, a statue of remorse, tears cascading down her cheeks. The years of misplaced hatred towards Jun now seemed like an unbearable burden. In her silence, she absorbed the pain she had unknowingly inflicted on him.

As Jun, covered in tears, questioned her, she managed a sorrowful smile. "Sorry, Jun," she uttered, the words carrying the weight of her regret. Jun chuckled bitterly, querying the one question that haunted him"why did you cheated on me kitten". Yonna, smilling through her tears, began unraveling the truth. "I didn't cheat on you, Jun. The guy you saw was a psychiatrist, helping me cope with my mental struggles and later i got to know that he liked Hobi's sister and i helped him with all this."

Tears streamed down her face as she continued, revealing the depth of her pain. "I wanted to tell you everything, Jun, but I was scared. Scared that you'd worry about me, especially with a psychiatrist involved. Nobody knew about it except Jin oppa." Yonna's voice faltered, and her confession left Jun frozen.

Jin stepped forward, his words cutting through the heavy silence. "Jun, you made a mistake. She loved you so much that she tried to end her life when you left. If we hadn't taken her to the hospital that day, she wouldn't be standing here now." Jun, overwhelmed by the truth, fell to his knees, shattered by the weight of his ignorance and the pain he unintentionally caused.

Jun's apology hung in the air, the words still unspoken as he was interrupted by the haunting memories. His inquiry about that fateful night left the room in a suspenseful silence. Yonna started explaining, "It was..." but her words were cut short by a sudden round of applause.

Jiwoo, clapping mockingly, injected herself into the situation. "Ah, loved ones," she remarked with a sinister tone. Jun glared at her, sensing the disturbance she was about to cause. Jiwoo continued, revealing her unresolved feelings. "I am sorry, Jun, but even knowing the mistake was not hers, I still can't say that I didn't love you. She was the one who came between us all these years and before that too..."

Frustration and anger emanated from Jiwoo as she advanced toward Yonna. Despite efforts to intervene, guards held everyone back. Jiwoo, now at point-blank range, put her gun to Yonna's forehead, announcing, "Today, this all will end, Yonna, all with the end of yours." Jun growled in protest, shouting, "Jiwoo, don't you dare!" But she paid no heed, pulling the trigger, and the room echoed with a gunshot, leaving everyone numb.

Yonna's pov:
I closed my eyes in fear as the gunshot echoed, expecting the worst. Strangely, I felt no pain. Tentatively, I opened my eyes to see Jiwoo clutching her bleeding arm. My gaze shifted, and there he was—the person I longed to see the most. His eyes were filled with tears as guards swarmed the place, battling each other. I sighed, realizing that everyone was now safe.

I looked at him, and he opened his arms. Without hesitation, I ran into his embrace, seeking the comfort I desperately needed. He held me close, and tears streamed down both our faces. "You're late, Kookie," I whispered, my voice trembling.

"No, Angel. I'm on time," he reassured me, pulling away to hold my face gently in his hands. His eyes scanned me from head to toe, concern etched on his face. "You're fine, right?" he asked, his voice filled with worry. I nodded, but a tear escaped his eyes as he noticed the bruises on my face. He wiped away my tears, and just as I began to feel a sense of relief, he shouted, "Angel!"

Suddenly, he reacted swiftly, pulling away and fending off an attacker who was trying to harm me. They engaged in a fierce fight, and fear gripped my heart. Clutching my hurting stomach, I attempted to assess the situation. Someone then pulled me away, and a voice whispered, "Hey." I struggled against the grip until I saw a gun pressed against my forehead. Frozen, I watched as a shot rang out in the air, capturing everyone's attention. The mysterious person revealed their identity, leaving us all in shock.

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