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I woke up, got ready, and went out. Unnie was waiting for me, and I greeted her with a "Good morning" before sitting down for breakfast. While eating, Unnie asked, "By the way, who was it yesterday?" I fell silent for a moment and then replied, "A friend." Unnie chuckled and said, "If it were just a friend, you would have introduced him, Yonna." I looked at her and said, "No, Unnie, he was just a friend." Unnie nodded, saying, "Okay, just friends. But if he remains just a friend or not, let me know."

Before I could respond, she got up and said, "I'm waiting outside." I nodded. We both left for school, and as I entered, I went straight to the class since there was still an hour for everyone to arrive. It was a good thing the school opened early. I sighed, thinking about taking a nap until others came. I placed my head on the desk and drifted off to sleep.

Jun's pov:
I woke up early today because I had to come to school early to spend time with Yonna. I remember when I first came a few months ago; I saw her smiling, and gradually, I started feeling something for her. Staying with my uncle for some time and working as a professor, everything was to be closer to Yonna.

I looked around, but she wasn't there. I went to her class, and she was lying on the bench. As I approached her to say something, I heard her little snores. I chuckled and sat next to her, putting my head on the bench as well, admiring her perfection. I was watching her, and I gently moved the hair from her face that was disturbing her sleep. Suddenly, she opened her eyes and looked at me, ready to scream, but I placed my hand on her mouth and said, "Don't scream, or someone will come, and then you'll have to explain why you're here." She nodded, and I removed my hand.

yonna's pov:
I was sleeping when I felt someone's touch on my cheeks; I opened my eyes in shock. I was about to scream when the professor placed his hand on my mouth and told me to stay quiet or others would come. I nodded. I corrected my posture, and we both sat in silence until I asked, "Um, someone will come; you should leave now, right?" He smiled, leaned in, and whispered, "I've locked the door from inside, Mrs. Yonna."

I looked at him, blinked, and sighed, nodding. Suddenly, he moved closer and asked, "Shall we finish what we started yesterday?" I gave him a confused look, and he whispered, "What were about to do yesterday." Before I could respond, he pecked my lips, and I was left in astonishment. He held my hands and said, "I know you might think I'm flirting, but I genuinely like you, Yonna." I was too shocked to reply; he chuckled, pinched my red cheeks, and said, "I'll wait for your answer, but I believe I deserve a chance. I promise to make you very happy." He kissed me again and left.

The day was going well; we were having lunch in the canteen when we heard whispers. I looked back, and the professor entered, causing all the girls to giggle. As he approached, I quickly turned away, pretending to be engrossed in my food. He went to get his lunch, and I hastily got up, intending to leave.

Just as I was about to go, Jiwoo asked, "Yonna, what's wrong? You're acting weird." Hobi nodded, raising an eyebrow. I sighed and replied, "Guys, I have something important to do. I'll catch up after lunch." They nodded, and I left the cafeteria, sighing because I couldn't face the professor. What if he asked for an answer? What would I say? I was lost in these thoughts when someone took my hand and pulled me into a room. I was about to scream until he whispered, "Shh, it's me." I sighed as I opened my eyes, and there was the professor in front of me. I started to say, "Prof..." but before I could finish, he whispered, "Jun, call me Jun." I sighed and said, "Jun." He smiled.

I kept looking at him because he seemed very appealing, smiling. Suddenly, he asked, "Don't you feel something, Yonna, when we are so close?" I hesitated and stammered, "No, I..." but he interrupted, "Your eyes say otherwise." Despite shaking my head, he sighed and said, "Okay, if you don't feel anything, stop me." I was about to respond when he kissed me. I was shocked, trying to resist, but eventually, I gave in. I held him tightly and ran my finger through his hairs and held them slightly tight,and he moaned between the kiss, breaking away only when we needed to catch our breath. He leaned in and whispered, "Now don't say you don't feel anything for me." I was about to reply when the bell rang. I pushed him away and left the room.

The bell for the free period rang, and I was contemplating how to ignore Jun. I couldn't say I didn't feel anything for him anymore. Lost in my thoughts, Jiwoo asked, "Yonna, where's your enthusiasm today? You usually hurry to the shooting arcade." I sighed and replied, "It's just that I'm not feeling well." She nodded, giving me a skeptical look, "Don't tell me something is going on between you and the professor." I fell silent and then answered, "No... no, not at all." She nodded, "You lack confidence in your words, Yonna." As she left, Hobi said, "Let her be; she's just teasing you. But if something is happening, let us know." I nodded and entered the arcade, searching for Jun.

He wasn't there, so I sighed and focused on practicing. My mind, however, was on Jun—where he was and what he was doing. I looked around, sighed again,took aim, and suddenly, Jun whispered from behind, "Hey, kitten, looking for me?" I smiled, but when I turned, I put on a serious expression and said, "No, are you daydreaming Professor?" He placed his hand on his heart dramatically and replied, "Your words hit harder than bullets, kitten, and call me jun it looks good from preety mouth of yours" I smiled, mumbling "Jun," and he heard it with a smirk, saying, "That's like my good girl."

He ran his hand through my hair, and I annoyingly looked at him, saying, "You're messing up my hair." He chuckled and said, "You look even better with messy hair, especially when your hair falls on your face while you sleep... uff." I sighed and was about to respond when we heard, "Professor," and Jiwoo was there, seeking help. She gave me a weird look, and Jun smiled, saying, "Wait for me after school." I was about to deny, but he left.

It was tough to come up with an excuse to leave later, or without me. Jiwoo and Hobi left me alone, lost in my thoughts. Somebody suddenly held my hand, and I flinched; he laughed, saying, "Kitten, you even get scared of that?" I stared at him, and he fell silent. Then we both sat in his car, and he said, "Let's grab something to eat, or your unnie will make sure to see us together today." I just nodded. We entered a restaurant, placed our order, and he said, "Kitten?" I hummed, looking straight into his eyes. He said, "You like me, right?" I hesitantly nodded because lying wasn't an option anymore.These feelings were mutual and i needed to admit it. He chuckled, saying, "I knew you liked me; otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to get this close to you." I smiled.

We were engrossed in conversation when somebody called my name, "Yonna." I froze, knowing it could only be Unnie. Still, I turned around, and there she was, looking confused, accompanied by Jin Oppa. I greeted Oppa, and he smiled. Unnie, however, looked behind me and asked, "Who is he, Yonna?" I looked back, and Jun bowed, introducing himself, "Hi, miss, my name is Jun, and I am Yonna's..." Before he could finish, I held his hand and said, "Unnie, Oppa, meet my boyfriend, Jun." They both looked at me in shock, and so did Jun. I smiled, and he smiled back.

Jun invited Oppa and Unnie to join us for lunch, and we had a lot of conversations. Jun insisted on dropping us home. When we reached, Jun got out of the car to bid farewell. Unnie raised an eyebrow and asked, glancing at both of us, "Was he the one at the house yesterday, yonna?" I nodded, Jun smiled, and he replied, "Sorry, I couldn't greet you properly yesterday." Unnie chuckled and responded, "Even if you wanted to, Yonna wouldn't have let you. It's okay." I said goodbye to Jun and went to the apartment, while Unnie mentioned that she needed to talk to Jun. Unable to resist, I hid behind a pillar to eavesdrop.

Unnie told Jun, "Mr. Jun, it's just my Yonna. She's still a child, very innocent. She doesn't know right or wrong in this world, and this is the first time I've seen her genuinely like someone. I know I may sound selfish, but please, never hurt my Yonna." Jun smiled and assured, "I could never hurt her; I promise I'll protect her." With that, he left. I wiped away my tears quickly and entered the apartment.

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