3 ✨🪭 Effects of Love

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Palace of Rana


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Princess Indu was an artist at heart. She loved to paint, draw, sculpt, and craft everything and anything related to art you will find her there. She had a knack for creating beautiful and expressive artworks. Even though it was her passion except for her one older sister who had been wed and now staying in a different kingdom nobody in her siblings seemed to have the passion but she tried with her younger brother, Prince Amir, who was witty and clever and the only one younger than her who would listen to her.

She decided to teach him some basic art skills, hoping to inspire him and bond with him. She prepared some materials and tools, and dragged him to join her in her tower. She was eager to see what he would create.

She started by showing him how to mix colors, how to hold a brush, how to apply strokes, and how to create shapes. She explained the concepts of light, shadow, perspective, and composition. She demonstrated some techniques and tips, and encouraged him to try them out.

She expected him to follow her instructions and examples, and to be attentive like she was with her older sister but she soon realized that he had other plans. He was not interested in learning the rules and principles of art. He wanted to have fun.

Amir mixed colors wildly, creating bright and vibrant shades. He held the brush like a wand, and applied strokes like spells. He created shapes that were whimsical and imaginative. He ignored the concepts she was teaching him.

He was not trying to create a masterpiece. He was trying to create a surprise. He was being mischievous almost destroying her art room.


Amir almost painted a rainbow on her hair, and giggled and declared himself the prince of art, and complimented her.

Princess Indu was amused and happy She knew maybe not everyone liked art like her She joined him getting her revenge.

The help and her best friend Sneha almost dropping the jar of juice she brought which she saw the state the princess was in.

Only to hear her endless nagging about the etiquettes.


Princess Indu looked around the dining table, feeling warm and content. She was surrounded by her family, who were laughing and chatting happily. She felt grateful for their presence, their support, and their love.

She glanced at her father, the king, who was sitting at the head of the table. He was a wise and benevolent ruler, who cared deeply for his people and his children. He was telling a funny story about his latest diplomatic meeting, making everyone chuckle.

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