16 ✨🪭 Battle in the night

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Chapter 16: Battle in the night
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Palace of Nanda

The night was dark and silent, except for the occasional cheers and songs of the victorious soldiers. They had fought hard and bravely, and they had achieved what seemed impossible: they had Won The Kingdom of Nanda and beheaded the tyrant king Sethu brought justice to Nanda.

It was the night of celebration for the soldiers of Virata after the final battle, and King sethu's head been severed by Ivaan.

They are were in the middle of celebration when,

Varun asked what Ivaan wanted to do with the captured king of Avantipura and Arjun, who had allied with Sethu and fought against them, death loomed over their head.

Ivaan looked at Arjun, the king of Avantipura taken prisoner after a fierce duel and he said, "He is a brave warrior, and he fought his own battle. He did not know the truth about Sethu's crimes and Nanda's claim. I think we should release them and make peace with him."

Watching from distance as Arjun and Aditya Singh were taken in to the prisoners tent.

Varun nodded but was suggested of the future,as it seemed Arjun was still ready to revolt against them.

Ivaan considered the situation and thought of putting a hault to the decision.

Ivaan smiled and said, "You are both noble and wise, my friend. I trust your judgment and I will do as you suggest. Let us wait for some time before we send a messenger to the Kingdom of Avantipura and Rana and tell them that they are free to go and that we wish to be their allies."
They decided to rest for the night.

Everyone had retired for the night.

Except for Nimit, outside the tent,Ivaan's Military general was still sleepless and, was keeping watch for, it was almost always a norm of citizens or clueless family of the defeated soldiers trying to attack the invaders. He was on gaurd despite Ivaans refusal.

It was by the middle of the night when the voices had went down and the Soldiers seemed to be asleep or passed out drunk he noticed a shadowy figure approaching the tent, holding a dagger. He sensed danger and quickly intercepted the intruder. He grabbed his arm and wrestled trying to remove his mask, he was soon successful he dropped him to the ground. He recognized him as one of the soldier of Queen Madhavi, Ivaan's stepmother.

Madhavi was a cunning and ambitious woman, who had married Ivaan's father after his first wife had died. She had always hated Ivaan and favored her own son, Zain.

She was secretly plotting to betray Ivaan and kill him in the battle. She had sent several spies and assassins to carry out her plan, but they had all failed.

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