6 ✨🪭 Forging of Destiny

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Chapter 6 : Forging of Destiny

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Princess Anya was specially invited by their distant aunt and Indu accompanied Anya, while Amir accompanying Indu, and to protect all the three siblings the King had sent Prince Arjun who was getting better and back to his normal self.

The siblings were excited to visit the Alley Kingdom of Nanda, where their aunt Queen Nalini and her husband the King Sethu ruled. They had heard stories of the grand festival that was held every year to celebrate the kingdom's prosperity and diversity. They packed their bags and boarded the royal carriage, escorted by a dozen guards.

The journey was long and tiring, but they enjoyed the scenery along the way. They saw green fields, sparkling rivers, and majestic mountains. They also encountered many different people, who greeted them with smiles and respect. The king had tightened the security as this would be the first time they were travelling after the terror of the Demon tyrant had started.

They arrived at the capital city of Nanda, where they were welcomed by Queen Nalini and her son Prince Nayan. They hugged and kissed their relatives, and exchanged pleasantries. They were then taken to the palace, where they were given lavish rooms and delicious food. They rested for a while, and then prepared for the festival.


The festival was supposed to be 5 days long of spectacle of colors, sounds, and smells. There were stalls selling all kinds of goods, from clothes and jewelry to books and toys from all around the kingdom in the headquarters.
There were supposed to be performers showcasing their talents, from dancers and singers to magicians and acrobats. And many more ceremonies and rituals for the adults, honoring the gods and the lake of the land Nila their goddess, the ancestors and the heroes, and the king and the queen.

Princess Anya had no idea why she was invited to the festival in the Alley Kingdom of Nanda. She thought it was just a courtesy from her aunt Queen Nalini, who wanted to strengthen the ties between their kingdoms. She was happy to go, as she loved traveling and learning new things. She was also looking forward to meet Heir Prince Nayan, whom she had heard was a handsome and charming young man.

What she didn't know was that Prince Nayan had a secret crush on her. He had seen her once, when he visited the Kingdom of Rana for a diplomatic mission. He was impressed by her intelligence and eloquence, and he felt a connection with her. He wanted to get to know her better, and he hoped to win her heart. He asked his mother to invite her to the festival, and he planned to woo her with his charm and wit.


Prince Nayan was smitten by Princess Anya ever since he saw her but he was not very good at flirting

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Prince Nayan was smitten by Princess Anya ever since he saw her but he was not very good at flirting. He was shy, nervous, and clumsy around her.

Prince Nayan came in to welcome the siblings "Greetings, Princess Anya. I am honored to meet you at last. I have heard so much about your beauty and wisdom."

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