13 ✨🪭 Glory and ally

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Chapter 13: Glory and ally

#4 fearless princess
#1 hating
#81 medieval

#4 fearless princess#1 hating#81 medieval

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Palace of Virata

Madhavi watched the scene unfold in the court with a smirk on her face. She knew that Ivaan's request was a foolish one, and she had already planted seeds of doubt in the minds of the ministers. She wanted to see him fail, and she hoped that the king would deny him the resources and time he needed for his ambitious war.

She had never liked Ivaan, her stepson, who was the heir to the throne. She had married Narasimha, the king, after his first wife died, and she had given him many other sons, Zain the eldest. Zain was her pride and joy, and she wanted him to be the next king. She had always favored him over Ivaan, and she had tried to turn the king against his eldest son.

She knew that Ivaan was a brave and skilled warrior, but he was also arrogant and reckless. He had a thirst for glory and power, and he wanted to conquer the neighboring kingdoms that were allied with Nanda, the rival king.

Madhavi had convinced the ministers that Ivaan's war was a waste of resources and time, and that it would only weaken their kingdom and invite more enemies. She had also spread rumors that Ivaan was plotting to overthrow his father and usurp the throne. She wanted the king to distrust and reject his son, and to favor Zain instead. She would play shy and dumb before the king.

She saw the king's hesitation as he listened to Ivaan's request. She knew that the Kings greed to conquer but he also had to consider the ministers of his kingdom. She hoped that he would make the decision she wants, and that he would send Ivaan away with nothing, making him a failure.

She leaned over to whisper in his ear, "My lord, you know that Ivaan's request is unreasonable and dangerous. He is not fit to lead an army this big, let alone a kingdom. He is a traitor and a rebel, and he will bring ruin to us all. You must deny him, and send him to exile. Only then will you secure the future of your throne and your people."

She saw the king's expression change, and she smiled. She thought that she had persuaded him, and that he would do as she said.

She did not notice the flash of anger in Ivaan's eyes, or the determination in his voice as he said, "Your Highness You must trust me, and grant me what I ask. I will not disappoint you, I will make Virata proud. I will conquer Nanda, and I will bring glory and honor to our name."

The king looked at his two, He did not know whom to believe, or what to do. He wished that his first wife was alive, and that she could help him. He felt a pang of guilt and sorrow.

Madhavi was furious as she saw the king nod his head in approval of Ivaan's request.

She had done everything in her power to make him reject it, but she had failed.

She had bribed some of the ministers to speak against Ivaan's war, and she had slandered him in front of the others.

She had warned him that Ivaan's war would drain the treasury, exhaust the army, and expose the kingdom to more enemies.

But the king had not listened to her this was worse than death for her.

He had listened to Ivaan, who had made a passion to conquer

He had listened to Varun, Ivaan's cousin and political genius well known in the kingdom, who had supported Ivaan's plan and assured the king that the war was feasible and profitable.

In addition to, the war minister, who had vouched for Prince's courage and competence, and who had promised they will be able to provide him with the best troops and weapons.

Madhavi knew that she had lost this battle, but she was not ready to give up. She still had one more card to play, and she was determined to use it.

She had a secret ally, someone who hated Ivaan as much as she did, someone who could sabotage his war and ruin his reputation.

She decided to send a message to her spy, telling him to inform Nanda of Ivaan's war plans, and to offer him a deal.

She would help him defeat Ivaan. She did not care about the fate of her husband, or the rest of the people. She only cared about Zain, and she wanted him to be the next king.

She wrote the message in a secret code, and hid it in a small pouch. She gave it to one of her trusted servants, and told him to deliver it to her spy. She hoped that he would succeed, and that her plan would work.

She smiled wickedly, and thought to herself, "Ivaan, you may have won the king's favor, but you have not won the war. You will soon face the wrath on yourself, and you will regret ever crossing me. You will never be the king, and you will never see your father again. You will die a miserable and shameful death in this war, and I will laugh at your downfall."


Wow we have a Spy in the Kingdom.


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