10 ✨🪭 Fluttering feelings

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Chapter 10 : Fluttering feelings

I'm back with part 2
Wow it's a 4k chapter.
I feel like I should set a chapter length 😭😂

༊*·˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚*ೃ༄

What do you think could be good chapter length? (My max is 4k atp for now.)

Thankyou again 💞💞 I love reading your comments and questions.


Kingdom of Nanda

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Kingdom of Nanda

༊*·˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚*ೃ༄

The crowd gathered around the palace square, eager to witness the fate of the traitor. Varun, a young and handsome teacher who had been caught, was dragged by two guards to the center of the platform. His face was bruised and bloodied, his clothes torn and dirty. He looked around with defiance.

Prince Nayan, the heir of Nanda, stepped out of the palace, followed by his advisors and ministers. He wore a royal robe of purple and gold, and a crown of jewels on his head. He looked at Varun with contempt and anger, and addressed the crowd.

"People of Nanda, you are here to see justice done. This man, Varun is a spy for the King of Virata, our sworn enemy. He is here to leak our secrets, sabotaged our defenses, He tried to touch Princess Anya, He is guilty of treason, and deserves to die. And will be beheaded right here in front of everyone"

The crowd booed and jeered at Varun, who shook his head and tried to speak.

"No, it's not true.. I am not the spy of any King, I am but a mere traveller who is being framed I would never harm and woman yet alone a princess, it was only self defence, she came onto me."

Arjun's eyes flashed with rage. He raised his voice and continued.

"Silence, Fibber!! I witnessed the events You dare to speak of my sister, when you have harmed the princess of Rana. You have no right to live."

The crowd gasped and murmured, shocked by the revelation. Varun looked at Nayan with disbelief. By now Ivaan and Nimit had gathered around the crowd too, Ivaan stops Nimit from attacking them publicly his anger too had no limits watching the state of Varun.

"Please don't make me repeat myself again, it's really hurting to move any muscle at this moment, I would never hurt a Princess.Where is she? Let her speak for me. There is nothing you have to prove your accusations while you have already declared the punishment, what kind of Justice is this"

Nayan waved his hand A guard came and he ordered to bring the Princess to the court, She and Indu came into the public trail covered with a veil.

"Behold, the princess of Rana, Princess Anya, who will be the future queen of Nanda. She is the proof of your crimes, peasent. She is the witness of your guilt. She is the victim of your evil."

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