✨🪭31 All I yearned was for a little power!

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⭐Palace of Rana

In the grand  palace, where the sun-drenched courtyard echoed with whispers of intrigue, Queen of Rana, Shalini's voice rang out like a thunderclap.

Her regal presence commanded attention as she addressed her daughter, the Princesses Anya and Indu.

The ornate tapestries on the walls seemed to hold their breath, their intricate patterns mirroring the tension in the room.

"Anya," Queen Shalini's words cut through the air, "How rude has my daughter become! you raise your hand against your own brother?" Her eyes bore into Anya's, demanding an answer.

The courtiers shifted nervously, their silk-clad forms rustling like leaves in a storm. Anya's shock was palpable; her hand still stung from the impulsive act. But beneath the surprise, a restraint anger that coursed through her—a forbidden exhilaration at defying tradition, for her sister, for Indu. Before Arjun,could react, his mother gestured to the guards. They stepped forward, their armor glinting in the sunlight.

Arjun's anger flared, but he knew better than to challenge the queen. As they led him away, Anya caught his eye—one last shared moment of defiance.

Princess Bhoomi was standing beside the queen a small smile cracked Indu's face as she saw her older sister after a while , her belly clearly being testament to the life growing within, moved with a grace that belied her condition.

The sun, a golden orb, cast its warm glow upon the marble courtyard, illuminating the intricate patterns etched into the stone.

The air was thick with the scent of jasmine and sandalwood, a heady mix that enveloped the senses. Bhoomi's husband, Aditya Singh, lay propped up on a velvet cushion, the doctors had advised for him to receive sungliht was sleepy after taking his dosage of medicine once-strong frame now weakened by battle wounds. His eyes, once fierce and determined, now held a vulnerability that tugged at Bhoomi's heart.

She sat beside him carefully , her delicate fingers tracing the lines of his face, seeking solace in their shared pain. "What happened, Aditya?" she whispered, her voice barely audible above the distant sounds of the bustling palace.

Aditya's gaze met hers, and in that moment, the burden was lifted from his shoulders "Bhoomi!.......... I'm glad, .... I thought i would never get a chance to meet you again and ....our baby".

Bhoomi listened, her tears falling freely, each drop a testament to their shared sacrifice. The queen's wrath was absorbed by everyone it could shatter them all. But before the queen could unleash her fury, Indu, stepped forward. Her eyes, wide and fearful, pleaded for mercy. "Amma," she implored, "let me speak , what you are seeing is not the whole story with Anya.."

The queen's stern expression softened, and she raised a single palm, halting Indu's retort. "Go to your room, Indu," she commanded. "I need to talk to your sister alone."

Indu watched as her mother led Anya away, the heavy wooden door closing behind them. The room was suffused with tension, the air thick with unspoken truths.

Indu paced her around, walking behind them,she waited at the hallway. She knew  barging in would be counterproductive. Restless, Indu pressed her hand against the lattice window, the view beyond revealing the sprawling palace gardens—a sanctuary of roses, lotus ponds, and ancient banyan trees.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the courtyard. As the sun started to dip, Indu's heart weighed heavy.

Losing her patience Indu approaches  the chambers slowly trying to open the door without making any noise peeking in only to see Anya, who is crying in her mother's lap. As she stayed on the floor.

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