7 ✨🪭 Mingling of Fate

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Chapter 7 : Mingling of Fate

Kingdom of Nanda.


"No one can stop him the Demon tyrant it is said that his sword can even cut through air he has no fear and has no valuable to him that to succeed to win to create history and his warriors are the same, skilled warriors." The old lady said in an enticing manner , as if it was a folk legend.

Indu and Anya were watching the stalls getting ready they were too early for the first day of festival which would begin at night but accompanied Prince Nayan as he was the organiser and supervising the security and needs. They came across the common place beneath the banayan tree an old lady reciting the stories.

Indu had not forgotten about her mission she had to help Arjun in bringing down this demon tyrant. Indu couldn't stand the praising stories.

"A Demon tyrant, yes a man who has no value and respect for the land the lives he takes , his only goal is to conquer what makes him so great?" She asked the old lady who stopped to look at her.

"That changes nothing my dear , History selects her own warriors, I don't have a say, I'm just here to recite and educate the people of the glory." The old lady replies smilingly. "And who knows in the future he might also start talking the language of love my lady."

"Only after he pays for his sins for the hundreds of lives that has been wasted for his greed." Indu exclaimes drawing the attention of people.

Anya gets between shyly and slowly bringing Indu back away from the attention.

"What are you doing Indu!" Anya whisper scolds her.

"He hurt our Neighbouring kingdoms Indu, he hurt 1000s if not more , how can I stay and listen to his glory?" Indu exclaimes frustrated.

"And this is how you plan to bring him down, fighting against anyone who praises him ?" Anya asks Indu looks confused.


"If you have to bring him down every other kingdom would have to unite themselves, Indu so he realises, he can't defend every kingdom by striking the weakness." Anya the diplomatic genius explains.

"But He is not our enemy to defend?" Indu asks not realising.

"No he is not now Anya , but what about the future what do you think he will do once he conquers all the smaller kingdoms he would take a bigger leap to prove himself as a bigger threat than he already is, we aren't the one choosing to fight Indu, this is a necessity now he is our enemy and right now he might even be plotting to conquer a bigger kingdom" Anya says sensing the fear in Indu's eyes.

"Don't worry your little head my baby sister father is already planning on discussing this with his alley kingdom it's only a matter of time he would fall into the trap we set for."



Prince Ivaan, his cousin Varun, and Nimit had a daring plan: to infiltrate the kingdom of Nande they had been working on for months this was the first step towards it, their long-time rival, atleast not openly but still there and spying on their secrets was the best opportunity he could have. They disguised themselves as merchants from a faraway land, and joined the caravan that was heading to Nande for the annual five-day festival. They hoped to blend in with the crowd and gather as much information as possible.

The first day of the festival was a spectacle of colors, sounds, and smells. The streets of Nanda were filled with people from all walks of life, celebrating the harvest and the blessings of the gods. Prince Ivaan and his companions marveled at the sights, but they also kept their eyes and ears open for anything suspicious. They noticed that the king of Nanda, Raja Sethu, was nowhere to be seen. They wondered if he was hiding something, or if he was ill. Meanwhile the Prince was hosting the festival for the first time which wasn't uncommon to let the heirs take up the responsibilities.

They decided to split up and explore different parts of the city. Prince Ivaan went to the temple, where he saw a large crowd gathered around a priest who was performing a ritual. He overheard some people whispering that the priest was actually a sorcerer, and that he had a secret alliance with Raja Sethu. They said that the priest was using his magic to manipulate the weather, the crops, and the people's minds. Prince Ivaan wasn't amused but had definitely heard about the rumours of the drought that had plagued his own kingdom for the last year in relation to this evil priest or as they called him black magician.

Varun went to the market, where he saw a variety of goods and services being traded. He was impressed by the wealth and prosperity of Nanda, but he also noticed that there was a lot of corruption and injustice. He saw some merchants cheating their customers, some guards extorting money from the poor, and some slaves being mistreated by their masters. He also saw some spies and informers lurking in the shadows, reporting to someone in a dark alley. Varun followed them discreetly, and discovered that they were working for a mysterious old woman who wore a veil. He heard her giving orders and instructions to her agents, and realized that she was the leader of a secret organization that was plotting against Raja Sethu. She said that she had a plan to assassinate him during the festival, and take over the throne. Varun felt a surge of curiosity. He wondered who she was, and what her motives were.


This was a win-win situation that was forming up half of the work to be done by the other enemies, well the quote of enemies enemies being friends was proving to be right.

Nimit went to the barracks, where he saw the soldiers of Nanda training and preparing for war. He was amazed by their discipline and skill, but he also sensed their fear and resentment. He heard some soldiers complaining about the harsh conditions, the low pay, and the high casualties. He also heard some soldiers praising a hero who had defied Raja Sethu, and had escaped from his prison. They said that the hero was a former general of Nanda, who had rebelled against Raja Sethu's tyranny, and had formed a resistance army in the mountains. They said that the hero was waiting for the right moment to strike, and to liberate Nanda from Raja Sethu's rule. Nimit felt a pang of admiration. He wondered who the hero was, and how he had managed to survive, this was a good piece of information he could get in the first day here.

The first day of the festival ended with a grand fireworks display, that lit up the night sky. Prince Ivaan, Varun, and Nimit met at their inn, and shared their findings. They realized that Nanda was a kingdom of secrets, intrigues, and conflicts. They wondered what would happen in the next four days, and how they would complete their mission. They also wondered if they would ever return to their own kingdom, or if they would become part of Nanda's history.

This was even more complex than the other feats , this was a larger kingdom and even more challenging but it made the victory even more exciting.

Nanda was a difficult feat , but something felt different here , as if someone was calling for Ivaan, maybe it was determination to win.


Remy sol 🌙

Mingling of fate, they both are here, while the plot keeps tying together the seperate situation.


Next Chapter is the Meetcute?!?!?!?!


So i am thinking of setting up milestones so everytime it's reached I update and celebrate 🥂 it so for next chapter update

I'll update once if this chapter gets 5 votes or 5 comments or a 60 reads let's wait and watch what happens first.

Thanks for reading.
I'll update it even if it doesn't reach once it's ready ofcourse the next update but this is just to celebrate the feats

I recently hit 1 k reads which is unbelievable as i only started this story thank you everyone who gave it a try!!


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