5 ✨🪭 Denial of Destiny

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Chapter 5: Denial of Destiny

Palace of Virata


"Your Highness, you're hurt. Why didn't you tell me? You could have bled to death." Said Nimit worried he didn't notice the state the prince was in until now.

Prince Ivaan smiled shyly and said, "It's nothing, just a scratch. But it burns a lot."

Nimit took out a knife and cut the bandages. He saw the wound was deep and infected. He felt a pang of fear for the prince's life. He said, "It's not nothing, Your Highness. It's a serious wound. You need to heal it quickly."

He took out some herbs and water from his bag and made a paste. Something he had to learn which was like a combo package for him that came with the friendship of Prince Ivaan who was reckless and hurt most of the times.


He applied it on the wound and wrapped it with a clean cloth.

"Thank you, Nimit. You're a miracle worker," Prince Ivaan said, sitting up

Nimit felt a bit of guilt "It's just the herbs, Your Highness. They're very effective." He had failed to protect his Prince he took his job very seriously and he knew how bad the situations were for prince Ivaan he didn't even got the company of the skilled army of the king as Prince Zain didn't approve of it and the king turned a blind eye on it.

Nimit felt angered at the thought of Zain and said, "It's my duty, Your Highness. I'm glad you're feeling better."

Prince Ivaan reached out and hugged Nimit. He said, "You're more than just a general, Nimit. You're a friend. And I want to thank you properly."

"Well then can you stop getting hurt all the time Ivaan i swear to god you are turning me into a butler or assistant.......I'm supposed to be your General!! A warrior of the future Kimg not someone who keep learning about herbs and first aid medicines so your wounds don't get dire before reaching the medic." Nimit nagged and part of Ivaan was happy that atleast someone was worried on his behalf.

"Well you are not doing this for the favour of the future king are you? It almost seems like that..." Ivaan teased.

"How dare you!!!!! I couldn't care less about....." Nimit started

"Good evening brothers!"

Varun was here in between their quarrel the the Foreign Ministers Son , more of a Cousin of Ivaan as his father was the half-brother of his mother whom they loved dearly and decided to stay in the kingdom at Ivaan's request.

Ivaan had been trying to gain the Internal favour of the king's court as even though Varun's father was the half-brother it wasn't a well known thing he had made his uncle get in the Ministry selection committee secretively without the knowledge of his father or mother hiding the connection between him and his dead Mother.

There was no point in bringing that up on for Zain and his Stepmother to reject him.

Varun just like his father was as skilled if not even more....he was a political genius to some respect himself and this is where he was needed they had conquered all the small land with their strength now it was time to capture the larger lands and for that they needed plan and tactics war wasn't the only option.



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