20 ✨🪭 The Wise Decision

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20 ✨🪭 The Wise Decision
Happy 4.8k reads. 🩷
#30 in Royal
#40 in Asian out of 6.4k reads 🕊️
#55 in killing out of 12.5k books
#439 in historical fiction out of 11.9k reads 🥹🥳

Im thankful to every person who supported or read atleast one chapter of the book🩷

Palace of Rana

Anya released a sigh of relief as she saw Katha and Indu's carriage moving away from the palace. To her surprise, a guard reached for her and said, "Princess Anya, you have been summoned to the court."

Anya felt a surge of fear as she heard the guard's voice. She wondered who had summoned her to the court and what they wanted from her. She prayed that Indu and Katha were safe and that they would meet again. She followed the guard with a calm face, but a trembling heart.

That shocked her, this was not at all expected; her father would not summon his daughters at any cost to the court with the enemies present.

"Why did my father summon me what happened was Ivaan and his advisors captured and prisoned?" She asked still not convinced.

"No, my princess, the King is helpless and shocked himself, they still have Prince Arjun and King Aditya Singh in the courtroom, held a sword towards their neck."

Anya felt a surge of fear and anger as she saw the scene unfold before her. Her father, the King of Rana, was pale and gasping for breath, his eyes filled with pain a hand held to his chest. Her brothers, Prince Arjun and King Aditya Singh, were still held captive by the enemy soldiers, their faces bruised and bloodied. Her loyal soldiers, who had fought bravely to rescue her brothers from the clutches of Prince Ivaan, were also on their knees, their swords taken away from them. And Prince Ivaan, who had held her brothers hostage, was standing smugly with his cousin Varun and commander Nimit.

"Father!" Anya's voice cracked, echoing off the stone walls. She sprinted toward him, her footsteps swallowed by the cavernous silence.

"Anya, I'm sorry," her father whispered, his voice weak and raspy. "We were deceived by Ivaan. we failed. I failed to protect my children."

"No, Father, you don't say that!" Anya protested, tears streaming down her face. "He is a liar and a murderer. He doesn't deserve to rule, not Nanda nor us. He will destroy everything you have built. He will oppress the people. We have to fight him, father. You have to resist."

"Anya, but...." her father said, coughing up, heavy breathing.

"Father, hold on!" Anya's desperation surged. She clung to him as if her touch alone could mend his broken spirit. "Don't leave me. I need you. Please, Father, please."

The King's advisors swarmed, their hands gentle yet urgent. They eased him into a carved wooden chair, their eyes filled with both reverence and fear. His age, once a mark of wisdom, now rendered him vulnerable.

Anya's gaze shifted to Arjun, her brother. His jaw clenched, mirroring her own turmoil.

"Just end me and be done with this damn bastard. I won't be the downfall of my kingdom. You can't do anything; I won't be your bargaining chip. Rana will never ever bow to cowards and deceivers like you. Screw you." Nimit's boot met Arjun's side, a cruel punctuation. Anya's fists clenched. She had failed. She failed to protect her kin, her legacy. The weight of it threatened to crush her.

Anya closed her eyes at this. This couldn't be happening.

Tears ran down her eyes. She was helpless; if they chose her brother's lives her whole nation would have to pay the price and if they chose to save her Nation her brothers would die.

She couldn't even think of what she would say to her sister, whose husband, King Aditya Singh went willingly to the war, leaving his pregnant wife without a second thought.

Varun stepped into the situation addressing the King of Rana and Princess Anya.

"Your Majesty, Princess Anya, please listen to me," Varun said, addressing the King of Rana and his daughter. "I know this is a tough situation and the gravity of it, but there is a way out of this. Prince Ivaan is not the only threat to your kingdom. There are other enemies too, more powerful and more dangerous, hiding in the shadows. The Kingdom of Virata is one of the most strong countries out there. No one will dare to look at Rana, if Virata is there with you"

Varun saw King Ameya's face twitch, and he knew this wouldn't be an easy conversation. He continued, "You may not know this, but Queen Madhavi has been secretly plotting with the King of Vyasa, who is her uncle. They have formed an alliance, and they plan to split your kingdom between them. Prince Zain will take the western part, where the rich mines and fertile lands are, and the King of Vyasa will take the eastern part, where the holy temples and the sacred river are. They will leave you with nothing but a barren and desolate land, where you will starve and suffer."

"We have no right to advise you, when we ourselves are here to win Rana, but there is no right or wrong in war, my king the only side remembered is the one who wins, you may not have actively taken part in the war, but even you know a Land of Resources never is spared in war." Varun explains looking at Anya who is looking at him with stone-cold hatred.

Varun paused, letting his words sink in. He saw the King of Rana and Princess Anya look at each other, disbelief and horror in their eyes. He saw the soldiers of Rana, who had been loyal to their king, shift uneasily, anger and resentment in their hearts.

Varun knew he had to act fast, ... He said, "But there is a way to stop this, Your Majesty. There is a way to save your kingdom, and your sons, all without losing anything but gain yourself safety. You have a choice, Your Majesty.
You can either go to war with Virata, or you can have an alliance with Virata that swears complete protection.But not with the current King and Queen of Virata, With his son, Prince Ivaan."

Varun saw Anya's eyes widen, and he knew he had struck a fatal blow. He continued, "Prince Ivaan is the rightful heir of Virata, Queen Madhavi, who fears his popularity and his power will be the shield to Rana. Now the choice is yours, Either side with a Queen Madhavi and Split Rana or with us to save Rana."

Varun saw Princess Anya boil in anger, and he knew she was aware of this she wasn't shocked by the prospect unlike the other, she was rather angry about her failed plan. Somehow he admired her intelligence and far sighteness something rare to see in people she was a worthy competitor of his but here he had outsmarted her, she was a worthy competitor but unfortunately not someone who could win.

Ivaan stepped forward after the prolonged silence, as a decision had to be made"Your Majesty. My army is outside the palace gates, waiting for my one signal ready to join forces and start a war, we fight against each other.

Or we can form an alliance I am ready to marry the Princess of Rana and unite the kingdoms of Rana and Virata. All you have to do, Your Majesty, is to give me your blessing, and your permission."

Varun saw the King of Rana in dilemma, and he knew he had planted the plan there was a possibility to win he looked at Ivaan with a slight smile, and Ivaan rolled his eyes, Varun was showing off.

He said, "Your Majesty. You can make a wise and noble decision now, or we can fight. The war will be inevitable; the choice is yours now, Princess Anya and Your Majesty."


Kindly drop a 💗 if you liked the chapter.

Happy V day

I have decided going with short chapters and quick updates.

As in its still 1000 words .

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