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The wedding bell rang in the beautiful garden as the music starts playing

Me and Rebecca were walking down the aisle hand in hand cheers can be heard all around us as we reached the stand where the priest was waiting

"dearly beloved we are gathered here today to witness this beautiful,special moment for these young ladies." The priest then turned to me. " Sarocha do you take the Rebecca Patricia Armstrong to be your lawful wedded wife to love and to hold from this day forward in sickness and in health for richer for poorer for better for worst?"

"I do" i answered trying not to sound hesitant.

"And do you Rebecca take the Sarocha Chankimha to be your lawful wedded wife to love and to hold from this day forward in sickness and in health for richer for poorer for better for worst?"

"I do."

"Very well then, please exchange rings."

I took a ring and put it on Rebecca's finger and she did the same to me, I gave her a small smile and turned back to the priest.

" I now pronounce you Wife & wife you may now kiss."

We stared at each other for a sec then I leaned in and just put my lips on her's not too long but  not too short.
As we pulled away everyone erupted into cheers and congrats, I guess this is it  this is the end of my single life.

I mean i do want to get married in the future but not this early and definitely never imagined getting married to my worst enemy.

Now everyone is having a blast at the receptionist while me and Becky (first time calling that) were just talking to our friends well I invited my friends and Becky's 'normal' friend group

"Can't believe you invited my friends." She whispered annoyingly,

"Hey be happy I invited them and not those popular girls." She just rolled

"Congrats buddy can't believe your married to our friend here , be careful she can be a bit feisty from time to time." Noey said whispering the last part in my ears.

"Ya you think I don't know that and you know why we're married." We just laughed when our parents came up to us.

"Well ladies congrats on your wedding and for your honeymoon we decided to give you a trip to the Maldives." My dad said excitedly.

"No thanks dad we would just like to go to school," I said to my dad

"Yeah Pops we don't want this we can go another time but not right now." Becky continued to explain to my dad

And all 4 of them just nodded and let us do whatever we want.

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