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Imma save you guys some times with just school and home and all that boring crap, so let just say 1 month has past and Becky and I had grown closer than I could never imagine.

She spent every night in my bed now, And NO Nothing happened just sleep and talk even though I woke up with her in my arms sometimes which makes me very confuse.

Right now we're laying on the blanket on the balcony Becky has her Arms around my waist and she has her head on my chest while I have my arms around the neck when she looked up and asked,

"Freen do you want to ummm..... Make our relationship real like no more pretending?"

"What!?" I was shocked at what she said.

"I like yo-wait no...I love you Freen and I don't want to hide it anymore." She said in a soft voice.

"Ok show me that you mean what you said." I challenged her, she looked up and smashed he lips on mine. HOLY GUACAMOLES!

And with that being said tonight is the night I will never forget.

Next day.

Becky and I walked into school hand in hand it was her idea not mine and I was kinda force into this.

We were talking until Surprise from the school newspaper club came up to me.

"Hey so Freen you got the answer?" He asked shyly.

"Not yet Prise I tried but he won't spill a single thing." I answered

"Awww is he not here yet?"

"Nope he's always late but you can wait if you want and just a little advise I think you should make the first move because that dude is too much of a coward to do it." I whisper the last part

"Really you really think he will like me!" I nodded even though Heng wouldn't give any answers but he had been leaving hints without knowing.

"Ok thanks Freen!" He then ran off.

"What was that? Why were you talking to that weirdo?"becky asked and she sounded Jealous or something.

"Hey Prise is not a weirdo and I was just helping him."

"With what?"

"I can't tell you I'm afraid." Then the five girl came up to her and dragged her away with Snake kissing all over her face. Of course she's didn't want to break up with that idiot or even want to show our relationship to the world.

And then I just walked away without looking back

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