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Freen's POV

I finally came back to school after 3 days and Bec- I mean Rebecca won't stop bothering me she is trying to find any chance to talk to me and It's so annoying like The bet is over right? She won so why isn't she leaving me alone? It's not Like she likes me or anything, I'm just a nobody to her.

I was walking out the hallway to go outside to go have lunch with my friends when Bright the dude from last time came up to me, it looked like he has a black eye as well. He blocked my way and I just glared at him
"Dude move out my way."

"No You need to listen to m-"

"First of all what happened to your eye?" I asked him

"Well..Princess I f you must know it was your wife who did this to me which brings me to why I blocked your way." I raised my eyebrows waiting for him to continue, He took a deep breath and said "Becky really love and care about you dude I never seen her care for someone or love someone or even ve this broken because of someone before not even when she's with Thia, you are really special to her man." He rubbed his nape

"And How can I know i can trust her again? How can I know that she won't break my heart or go off and make some stupid bets just to play with my feelings again and just lie to my Fvck ing face?" I choked

"Look Just go talk to her ok? Let her explain her side of the story." He tried to persuade me and I just scoffed

"Why are you doing this?"

"Cause I'm doing this as a friend to both of you Rebecca's my friend and I can't stand to see her in this state,all broken and rarely talk to anyone and you I know your hurting and broken as well just like her and I know you don't want to forgive her in fear of Rebecca repeating her actions but what you both don't realised is the only people who can help you guys get through this pain and help get your lives back to normal is each other." He explained and man I hate to say this but he is right.

So I gave him a small smile and a thank you then walked out.

After school

After school I was sitting on one of our sofas waiting for Becky to come home but she seem to come home a bit later than usual, but she did come home after a while,

"We need to talk." I simply said then she turned to me looking shock

"Freen you finally came home."

"Yeah I want to hear you side of the story." She then sat down next to me

"Ok, Yes it did start of as a bet but over time I really did learn to love you and found myself falling for you each and everyday that went by. My feelings towards you and all the caring stuff I did wasn't an act they were real I really do love you Freen." She explained with a said smile "I love you Freen Sarocha Chankimha with all my hearts and I have never love anyone like how I love you." She then kissed me and I responded but it wasn't just any kiss it was a kiss filled with love, understanding and a promise.

Love can be hard sometimes as it's much more than just a simple word
Love is about Loyalty, trust promises and to treat one another fairly and kindly and to get through good and bad with each other.
Love is a strong word, easy to spell hard to define, but impossible to live without.


Hi guys sorry for not updating for so long but I just want to say I'm going back to school tomorrow and I have a huge exam week coming up from

4th march —22nd march

Between and a bit before that date I won't be doing any updates on any stories.

Bye ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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