Slipping Time

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It's been two days since I've had my wonderful day. They've treated me like a queen, of course. My brother has always done these kind of things for me. As the days slip by my stomach only grows. I even talked to my brother about getting a ultra sound done. They said that the earliest the could do it was today. The excitement seems to be overlapping my anxiety. I quickly grabbed one of my ex's shirts. They seemed to be the only thing that fit at the moment. That's the only part that sucks. Well, other than the fact that I'm dying every second of the day.
"Sis, are you ready yet?"
Giving one last look in the mirror I quickly rushed down stairs. I can't wait to see the baby! I grabbed my brothers hand and rushed out the door. Sky couldn't come with us do to the fact he's a creature of the night, but he will get to see the pictures.

After about five minutes of driving a question started swimming around in my head.
"How did you and Sky meet?"
"Funny story. A few weeks before you found out about your pregnancy-" He placed his hand on my stomach. "we met at some park and he asked if he could play basketball with me. I thought it was a little strange that he was asking at night, but I brushed it off and told him sure. After that he asked if I could come back the next day and do it again. I said that would be nice and after that we did that for about two weeks when we finally decided to get each other's numbers. We started hanging out more and more. It was nice to get out and meet someone who wasn't a chick. He also helped with my girlfriend. She was going through some stuff. I remember the day you went into the hospital. I told him that night and he asked if he could tag along. I figured he was going to be there for moral support, but once you left he just lost it. I didn't see him for hours.
"Then he came to my house and told me everything. I didn't know what to say. At first I was scared, but then I remembered how he told me he got you pregnant, rage took over. For crying out loud you're my baby sister. The only person I had in tough times. I told him that if he hurt you or did anything to you I would find a way to kill him. I meant it. I still do."
I couldn't say anything. Sky told him everything. I couldn't believe it. My head seemed to swim. He was there before I knew him. How could I have missed that? I was so caught up in my own lies I never realized the lives around me changing. Tears began to prick my eyes. Gosh these stupid hormones are messing with me. Looking out the window I watched the stores fly by in color blobs.

The white walls began to blind my vision. Why do they have to choose white? Couldn't they choose a color like blue? Or some nice color?
"Rebecca?" A nurse called.
She was a small, slim woman with hazel eyes and light brown hair. Standing up I felt bloated and fat. My feet were killing me and my lower back was sore. Walking into the small box room I saw a bed with a chair sitting next to it. On the left side of the bed a machine sat there with a little television screen. My baby will be there. On the little screen.
"Just lay there and pull your shirt up under you breast."
I did as I was told. My mind was racing. Will my baby be okay? Will I survive long enough to hear the cry? The questions never ceased in my mind. More just seemed to pile up. Taking a deep breath the lady began to squeeze some gel onto my stomach.
"Oh that's warm." I said trying not to move around.
The nurse just let out a small laugh and put the little scanner thing to my stomach. Looking at the screen I could see the baby was in position.
"Do you know what you're having?"
"No, what is it?"
"A girl."
A girl? My own daughter. I started grinning ear to ear. My own daughter! A sharp pain began to cover my stomach. Looking over at the lady I could see concern in her eyes.
"Is everything okay?"
"I'm not sure. She seem to be going into labor, sir."
Another pain rushed trough my body. I can't be going into labor now. It's too soon! The pain seemed to only increase. I couldn't help but let out a scream. It was unbearable. I can't think straight. I can't do anything as the pain increases.
The lady called for some doctors and had them rush me to a room, my brother tailing behind us.
"Call.......Sky!" I yelled between breaths.
As I entered the room a doctor was there waiting. It was a tall, slim male. His pale skin reminded me of Sky, but with brown hair and swamp green eyes.
He began to check how dilated I was. I was only a few centimeters dilated. Still not enough for epidural. My brother came in the room a few minutes after.
"Sky's on his way. Just hang in there sis. You can get through this." As he said this tears brimmed his eyes.
He knows this is killing me. We all know it. My body is too weak to keep going. The pain seems to only get worse. Before I knew it the machines started beeping and screeching. The doctor pushed me into immediate surgery. The doctor allowed my brother in there after he got the cover on. I held his hand and watched his eyes. They were overflowing with tears and I was too weak to say anything. I could barely hold his hand at this point. A cry broke the air and a tear left my eye. I could feel the damp tear roll down. The crying started to fade and my brother was dragged out of the room. I could see the double doors and in the window everyone stood, staring. I smiled as I caught Sky's sad eyes. The doctors started yelling something, but I couldn't hear it. I stretched my hand out to try and reach for Sky and everyone else. Everything seemed to fade into a black room. This must be death. I laid there in the dark as memories flooded through. The pain slipped into nothing. I love you, Sky. The thoughts seemed to still as the screaming machines seemed to fade. Only a slow warmth fading over me. It's time.

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