The Truth

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The trees surrounded us. The night sky shimered above. Sky stood infront of me with his arms wide open. He was saying something, but I couldn't make it out. His eyes didn't look the same as when I last saw them. They seemed dark and twisted. I watched his lips move; only making out very few words. I stepped back. He took a step closer. I don't feel safe with him here. He's not Sky. He's a monster. His features looked jagged and he had dark circles around his eyes. His skin looked sick and grey. Like he was fighting off being sick, but was failing. I started walking backwards. Looking down I saw I was wearing a black dress that had a medium sized bump at the stomach area. What the hell is that? Looking up I saw he was closer and was moving at a faster pace. I rushed back, but was quickly surrounded by water. The thick green seaweed wrapped around my arms and legs; holding me there in this solitude. I didn't struggle as the air leaked from my lungs. All I could do was watch Sky's eyes.
"" Was all I could make out.

I shot up in the passenger seat as my phone went off. Picking it up I answered not bothering with the caller ID.
"Hello?" I said in a groggy voice.
"Rebecca? Where are you? I have been looking everywhere for you! I haven't been able to find you! Do you know how worried I have been? I haven't slept since Sky and I found your letter!"
My heart broke at the sound of his voice.
"I'm sorry, but I can't come home. It's not safe there anymore. There's too much to lose if I come back. I'm really sorry." I hung up the phone.
"Yeah," I said leaning against the cold window.
"If you're wondering where we are and how you got into the car. We are almost to my house and I carried you. I didn't want to bother you since you didn't get much sleep last night. "
The dream flowed through my head as he was talking. What did that dream mean? What was that beast? Was that Sky? The image flashed through. I could see his teeth. They were perfect except two sharp teeth that stuck out past the rest. They looked like they could easily pass through my soft flesh. As the image flashed through I felt sick.
"Stop the car!" I shouted.
As we pulled to the side of the road I rushed from the car. All the remains of what was left from the last time I ate rushed towards the ground; making its own puddle. As I looked up I could see a sign. WELCOME TO SHERMAN. It was the sign just one town away from my home. I slid back into the car as I was trying to gather my thoughts.
"Where are we going?" I asked after a long silence.
"I told you. We're going to my house."
"Jake, don't lie to me."
"Fine. I'm taking you home. Your brother called me freaking out last night after you went to sleep. I promised him I would bring you back. Ryan promised he would help me if need be. Isn't that right, Ryan?"
"Yup," I heard Ryan say from behind us.
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"Because you need to be here. Where you belong. Look I told Jason that I was going to stay with you. And if need be my mom has a house up here that Ryan, you, and me could all stay at. Don't worry about anything because I will be here to make sure nothing happens to you. I promise." He said reaching over and intertwining our fingers.
I felt helpless and so controled. This is why I left. I wanted to be in control not be controled. Everytime I turn around I was being told to do something, bend a certain way, be a lady, etc. That's what lead to me wanting to go clubing that night. I wanted to be in control and Sky let me. He let me do what I want, but only because he doesn't care. He saw me as a one night stand. That's all I was to him. And that's all he should have been to me, but he seems to be more than that right now.

After another hour we pulled up to my brothers house. It was a dark blue on the outside, the porch was black, and the side walk was lined with black roses, my favorite flower. It was a two story house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Each room was done in a blood red color with black lining the base. Except for one room. It was the oppisite. It was black with red lining the base. That was my favorite room. He normally made me stay out of there. Well, that was till they had finished painting it. I always asked why that one was backwards, but he never told me why. He would just push it off like I never asked.
I saw Jason was sitting on the porch with a mug in hand. I couldn't help myself. I jumped out the car and ran to him. Even though it has only been maybe three days since I've seen him it felt like three years.
"Oh thank god you're home!" He said wrapping his arms around me.
"I'm sorry I left. I had to leave. I will explain it all to you later. I promise." I said letting tears of joy fall.
He let me go and dragged me inside leaving Ryan and Jack to get the bags.
"Now explain." He said sitting me in a black gothic styled chair.
"Okay, I guess I better start from the begining. When I was in the hospital and you told me I was pregnant. I got to thinking; how is this possible? Well, I realized that the last guy and only guy I was with in that time period was Sky. And that's when I realized it's Sky's baby, but I couldn't tell him that. And I sure as hell couldn't ruin his life with a child that he probably won't believe is his. So why not run? No one needs to know that its his kid. And mom doesn't need to know I'm pregnant because then she would make me tell Sky and he would be forced to do something he wouldn't want to do. So why do that when I can leave? So I messaged Jake and he agreed to help me out. He said I cold stay as long as needed and he would help as best as he could. I never thought that he would make me come back here." I finished.
"So wait you weren't going to tell Sky?" He said focusing on something behind me.
"No," I admitted.
"Well, don't you think it's my right to know?" I heard Sky snap from behind me.
My blood ran cold. Jason set me up! What the fuck? I knew coming back was a bad idea, but no we should do what's right. Yeah, right my ass. I didn't dare look at Sky, but I could feel his gaze drilling into the back of my head.
"You have no business knowing. Its not like you even want to be apart of the baby's life." I said calmly.
"You need to get rid of it. Or-"
"Or what, Sky?" I shouted at him. I was so mad I stood up and was staring him down.
"Or you'll die." He said.
His eyes held a bit of hurt and longing, but why? And what does he mean I'll die?
"Look that thing isn't human-"
"Sky. Don't." I heard Jason say.
"No, Jason, she needs to know. That's not a human child. I'm a vampire, Rebecca. And I'm telling you you need to get rid of the child because that baby will kill you."
I stared at him. The dream flashing before me. It all makes since now. He's the moster from my dreams. He's a demon dressed as an angel. I felt dizzy as the room began to see-saw. Which is the real world? Why is everything swaying? Before I knew it the ground caught me with a thud and everything began to slip from my grip.
So I hope you all like it! Well, you all know what to do;

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