Just Another Step More Into The Nightmare

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  I walked into the adoption clinic. It wasn't the best one, but it was the only one in the town. I would go to the other one, but it's about an hour away. I walked up to the middle aged woman. She had black hair with little strings of grey, her eyes brown, but they looked almost black. Her skin was pale. Sickly pale. I grabbed my papers out of my purse and slid them to her. I spent all night filling them out and researching what was needed to adopt a child. I actually didn't go to bed until 3 a.m. and woke up at 5a.m.. So I'm pretty tired, but I look wide awake and focused. Well, at least I think I do.

  "Ma'am, do you know how much trouble it is taking care of an orphan?" The lady asked in a sweet quite voice.

  "Yes, I do. I just think I should start here. You never know who's hero you're going to be and I plan on being the hero of Ryan Gambit Lane. If you don't mind." I gave her a sweet smile as I pushed my records toward her.

  Why doesn't she just look at the paperwork and go on with her job? Seriously, I know how to take care of a child and I can take care of this orphan. I know I can. She slid back some paperwork with a pen sitting on top. I quickly grabbed it and filled it out. It felt like it took more time than it really did. Setting the papers on her counter I waited till she said something.

    "Come back tomorrow morning and he will be ready to go, Ma'am." She said with a sweet smile.

   The ride home was nice and quiet. No one there to bug me about a hospital or anything. It was bliss. Bliss. Such a pretty girls name. Stop it! I thought. No more thinking of other kids. I have to think of Ryan and what I'm going to do for a home. Maybe he can get my brothers old bedroom. Yeah, its not like he will be moving back in any time soon and if he does then by then, hopefully, I will have a job and my own place. I plopped down on my bed, the soft duvet caressing my body as the pain started to set into my lower abdomen. I held back the screams and tears. What's wrong with me? Why is this happening to me? I screamed for help as the front door slammed shut. I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. The pain increased with every passing second. 

  "Yes I need an ambulence here. My daughter is having sever adominal pains......No I don't think she's pregnant! Please just get someone out he-" My mother said into the phone.

  The pain consuming my body, this is what death must feel like. I tried blinking the black dots back, but to no avail I felt the darkness consume me. My body giving into my bed.

  "Go get the doctor! I think she's waking up!" I heard a male say.

  What a familiar voice, but to whom does the voice belong to? My eyes still felt heavy, after some time, I finally I gave up to the feeling letting my eyes stay closed. What happened? Did I die? No I couldn't have died if I'm still here. Maybe I did and they just brought me back to life? Possible, but at the same time impossible. I heard the door open once more. I heard whoever it was take a sharp intake. I wanna see who it is. I need to see who it is. Forcing my eyes open I was greeted with a bright light and white walls. The light seemed to reflect off the walls and in my eyes causing them to hurt. This is why I love the dark better than all this bright stuff. As my eyes adjusted I saw the beautiful stranger with a doctor and my brother by my side.  What happened? Why can't I remember what happened?


Hey, my little readers! Sorry its short. I hope you enjoyed it. Oh and sorry about the late update. I've got tons of stuff going on. So I honestly have no idea when I will get the next chapeter up.




Write cha later! :)

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