Haunting Memories and Future.

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 It's been about a month since I made love with that God-like man and since I have cried in my brothers arms. Everyday after about two weeks started to feel like death. Maybe I am dying. Only problem is I won't know until August 16, which isn't for another two weeks. I know it's gotta be death because I can't get pregnant. It's seriously impossible. I already tried with Mike. Maybe that's why he cheated on me? He wanted a kid? I don't know, but tonight I am going to some dance at my old school. Every year I get invited and it's always the same. Boring decorations and boring perverted boys. Well, I can't talk so are half the girls. Not a shocker. I layed on my bed letting my body go to peace. It's been like this for awhile and it never goes away. Well, unless I lay down. Then all I do is place my hand on my stomach and it stops. Everything that hurts just stop. Mom was wanting to send me to the ER because I have lost a lot of weight and look like a sick person. I look all greyish and my eyes have bags under them. My lips look pale and chalky. I don't know why. I have been eating the things my mom has given me, even though I just through it up. 

  I grabbed my black silk dress. It used to hug my body just right, but now it seems it only hugs my stomach. This was never supposed to happen. I grab my flats instead of the deadly heels. I know, flats don't go with dresses, but I say tough shit. Walking to the car, my mom already sitting in the driver seat, just like when I was younger. Almost reminds me of all the high school dances I used to go to. Really, who's mom drives them anywhere? Well I guess I should be happy since thats less work I have to do. I slid into the passanger seat.

  "Oh, Becca, why won't you just go to the hospital? I have no problem taking you. Really I don't." She said as I buckled up.

  I could feel her eyes watching my every move. This is the samething my older brother had to say, but what they don't realize is I am perfectly fine. Only minner pain that's all. I honestly don't know who I'm trying to make believe more; me or her? I think both. I'm trying to make myself calm down so I don't freak just incase it's something terrible. My dad taught me that. Always think of the worst so you will be surprised when it actually is something good. Yup that's my dad for you.  It sucks that I only got himfor that short time. I miss him so much. Mom used to tell me that he was always there and then she would play Already There; It always made me cry, of course. 

  "I'm fine. Really, I just need some air. That's all." I said giving her my best smile.

 As we pulled up to the school I watched the generation of kids go by. Funny how we all change over generations, but also sad. We all have gone down hill. No one helping the ones in need. No one giving the girl that begs for help the attention she needs to save her life. I slowly got out of the small car letting the wind blow through my hair. I closed the door and walked up to the school. Funny how it's only a middle school.

  I watched as the jocks, cheerleaders, and any others in the popular group push the kids around. It's the same every year. The jocks try to show off for the cheerleaders and it just ends them up out in the cold. This time it was diffrent. This time it was a weak young man. I quickly walked to the group and told them to leave.

  "Hey cutie, wanna join me in the bathroom for awhile?" One of the jocks had said in that sly tone.

  "Leave. Now." I quickly added. "I'm not going to repeat myself. Leave."

 As the jock walked past me he smacked my ass. It hurt like hell, but I wasn't going to show the pain. That was what caused guys like them to take control over you. As they waled out the door I grabbed the poor guy they were beating and took him to the bathroom. He had a busted lip, a bloody nose, and a gash the size of my ring finger. He was a cute thing really such a shame he has to go through this. I know they say guys are worse about bullying, but that's actually not true. Girls are worse. Me and my friends used to get cornered in the bathroom and beat till me couldn't even really move. I always told my mom 'I fell down the stairs' or 'I'm so clumsy'. She never second guessed it either. I wet the paper towel and started washing up the gash that started at the cheek bone to the chin bone. He winced a little, but not much. His eyes were big and bright green orbs, he had pale skin and lashes that girls would kill for. He didn't have the facial hair most guys had that made them look terrible. No he was just fine the way he was. 

  "Thank you," He said in a low voice.

  "No problem." I said as I smiled. "They really did a number on you. Do you know why they did this?"

  "Nah, this is just the usual. I honestly don't know why they do this. I don't think I've ever done anything to them. Well, not that I know of anyways."

  "Oh," Was all I could say.

  "Yeah, but it's fine." He said grabbing my hand from his face. "Really. I guess I better get going home. It was nice meeting you Miss.....?"

 "Just call me Rebecca." I said.

  I couldn't help but smile. He was sweet and innocent. Like a baby. 

  "Ryan," He said with a smile.

  His teeth are so white! Most kids wonder what would happen if they don't brush their teeth or just like to brush them every other week. Nasty.

 "Nice to meet you Ryan." I said while shaking his hand.

  It was soft and smooth. As I looked at his arms I saw bruises up and down them. I don't know why but I felt like crying yet at the same time I felt enraged. Who dares do this? He saw me looking and yanked his hand back from me.

  "Ryan are you being abused?" I asked in a hushed tone.

  He didn't say anything but let silent tears fall. I pulled him into a hug. How could such a nice boy be so hurt and unloved?

  "My foster mom says I'm just a failure. She says that as she hits me it's for my own health." He said as he was balling in tears. 

  I could adopt him. I could have a child. My own child! Yes he shall have a good home with me. Starting tomorrow I'm going to march down there to the adoption clinic in the town and search for him. I said fair well as he left after I asked his name. Ryan Gambit Lane.


So what'd y'all think? Want her to get Ryan? Or lose him? So.....




Well fairwell my little peeps....

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