Mr. Stranger

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 I rolled on my side, draping my hand over his torso. Opening one eye I saw him watching me as I sleep. I felt a little creeped out. Running my hand down his neck, I pulled his face towards me as his lips crashed on mine. Gosh he taste so amazing! Maybe I could get him over a lot more than just this one time. Wait, what am I thinking? He has to go my mom will be back from her Boy Toy's house. Pulling back, I couldn't help but close my eyes and taste the remaines of the kiss. Scrambling to my feet I pushed him out, not waiting for him to get his shirt on all the way. I quickly said sorry as I closed the door. Rude I know, it was either that or live with my brother. Not a chance. Me and my brother get along, but I swear he hates me. It's always why didn't you finish college? Or why don't you just settle down with a nice guy? I'm only freaking 20! I'm too young for marriage and college is a waste. Well, in my opinion anyways. I mean how could someone even think of finishing college when their boyfriend has the hots for some stupid college girl. 

 I grabbed my towel and that shiny piece of metal that just loves to make my skinny wrist cry. Turning on the water for the bath. Pealing out of my clothes. I slowly slipped into the warm water. The heat inclosed my head and body. Makeing me forget my ex, my brother, and all my other troubles. Exhaling the air that remained inside, I felt weightless in the small bathroom. Feeling a small pinch. I open my eyes just in time to see red taking over the clear water. My lungs beg to be filled with the air that surrounds to clear solitude. I sat up letting the air seep into my lungs. Pain is beauty, right? Wrong. Pain is the tourture you feel as you're being hurt. Yes pain can be beauty, but most of the time it's not. Really I should know. My body started to shake as the blood seeped more and more. I don't care though. I lean back and stare at myself. My legs look so fat in my mind, but in reality they are so small and not much meat sitting there. My arms are the same way, but there I more to cut. Really I'm not supposed to, but I do anyways because I need to. I look at my stomach. As the red water shimers over it I can see the scars that still shimmer in the sun. Huh, funny how life is. I placed a hand on my stomach. What I wouldn't do to be able to have a child grow with me. I used to dream of having a kid. Dawn Jane if it was a girl and Ryan Paul if it was a girl. It was all I ever thought about in High Scool. Of course it wasn't going to happen until I was out of school. Then I thought I was going to settle down with my ex and have a big family with a cat and dog, the usual perfect family stuff, instead all I got was a heartbreak and my dreams crushed. 

  Don't get me wrong, we all dream of it. We can't help it. No matter how bad we don't want it, we all think about it. So why does it seem to hurt so much when we don't get it right-then-and-there? See that's what we never think about. 

  "Rebecca!" I heard my brother scream my name from the living room. 

  I just sat there in my pool of red and listened to his steps going up the stairs. He stopped in front of my door. My heart started to beat harder; I could almost hear it in my ears as he tried to turn the knob; locked. I finally did something right for once. 

  I sat next to my brother in my long sleeve shirt and skinny jeans. Well, they were supposed to be skinny jeans, but it never actually looked that way. I couldn't help but feel a since of pride. I actually feel a little better about myself. At least now I know I can get hot guys to like me. I wonder what Jason would do if he found out I slept with a stranger. I looked at him like I was confused about something. I always have a habit of doing that when I get lost in thought.

   "Oh um I was just coming over to make sure you're okay. Mom said you were home alone.....That sounded aweful. I trust you, but I just don't want you t end up doing something stupid like suicide. I can't lose you. I mean yeah we have our ups and downs, but all siblings do. Not just us. I love you and wouldn't change you for anyone. I just wish I could-"

  "I know. I know. It's tough, but you have to understand my problems. I'm gonna try to get help." I said stoping him from finishing his statement. 

 It's always the same speech. He never trust me by myself since he found me on the floor with white foam spilling out of my mouth. My eyes had rolled to the back of my head and I was shaking violently. 

  It was mid-afternoon. The smell of death surrounded us everywhere. I was walking down to Mikes. That's my boyfriend. We've been together for 4 years now; ever since Freshmen year. Best year of my life was when we became Seniors and after graduation I lost my virginity to him. I love him that much.  I know it's stupid, but hey when you've been with someone for that long you just can't help but fall. As I stepped on his porch I heard rustling in the livingroom followed with moans. My heart broke at the sound. I despratly hoped he was just watching porn. I slid the spare key in and opened the door. I saw him on top of a blonde with big breast and a small waist. Her hair was bleach blonde. My heart shattered into a million peices. I froze for a second before I ran out the door. Dropping the keys on the ground. 

 "Shit," He said as he came running after me. "Rebecca! Please! I'm sorry!" He screamed after me.

  I didn't want to hear it. He cheated on me with a Barbie. The tears blurred my vision as I ran into my apartment that was just a few blocks away. I went to the bathroom. My reflection looked aweful. My make-up was all runny and my eyes poofy. My face started to turn red as the tears spread. I quickly opened the medicine cabnit and grabbed my pain killers and sleeping pills. I grabbed a handful of sleeping pills and three pain killers. I slid down the wall as I watched my reflection disappear from the mirror. My vision started to fade, my head was fuzzy, and my heart felt tight. I looked at my hands. They were shaking badly. I screamed for help. I screamed for my brother, my mom, Mike, anyone, but there wasn't anyone. My vision faded even more. Slowly creeping in at all sides. I laid on the cold tiles; letting my body slip into an eternal slumber. I heard the front door open and shouting. Jason screamed my name as he grabbed my body, but it was too late; the darkness was taking over my vision already.

I slowly slipped back into reality. My chest hurt everytime I remembered that painful memory. I leaned into my brother letting him hold me. My silent tears spilled out as I sat there remembering that stupid memory. In a way I feel it was my fault. I mean it's always my fault. At least that's what everyone told me. My eyes felt heavy as I let the tears seep out.


Okay so honestly what do yall think? I thought I should take it slow and keep it at my pace. So.....




Later my little peeps. :)

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