Ticking Time

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"If you turn me I could live and be here for as long as the baby needs me. If I have to I could walk in sunlight once the babies gone. Why don't you understand that?" I said for the millionth time now.

"I can't do that. It's a risk for you and that....thing. Look I'm sorry, but I don't see it working. Just by doing that so many things could go wrong and if it was to go wrong who's to say you wouldn't come back with brain damage?" Sky said looking me dead in the eyes.

I want to cry now. I'm going to die giving birth and my child won't have a mother to be there. How is this even possible? I thought vampires were dead. I covered my eyes with the base of my palm. My life is literally a ticking time bomb. So much needs to be done, but there's not enough time in the world. So many things are running through me and not one makes sence. There has to be something I can do. I felt Sky's cold strong arms around me, pulling me closer to his chest. I want to punch him. I want him to feel the same way I do right now. Does he even care? My legs began to slip as the tears fell. I'm going to die. When I was little I used to think death was a joe, but this is realite and death will consume your soul with one bite. There is no joke about this. I'm so young, but death doesn't care as long as he gets his next meal.

Later that night I layed awake listening to the sweet melody that flowed through the air. The slow breathing from Jake's sleeping body and the heat that radiates off of him.

"Please don't go, Jake."


Why did I even bother? All I'm going to do is get him hung up on a made up world. I'm so stupid for thinking I could live through this, for leaving, for Jake into this, for eveything. I rolled on my left side to watch Jake as his chest slowly rose and fell. This must be what a perfect family looks like. Just a pregnant lady sleeping next to her friend. As I stared he began to look more like Sky. The perfect Sky. His amazing hair covering his beautiful eyes, his pale chest barely rised, his mouth slightly apart to let the air in and out, his hands lay behind his head. Real perfection. 

"Do you often watch people sleep?" Jake's voice broke through my day dream.

"Oh...um, no." I said turning on my back.

"So what's it like?"

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"What's it like to be part of a family? To have something to love as it loves you back?" He asked turning to look at me.

I turned my head to look at him. His eyes poked through the dark and his skin shined in the moonlight.

"I don't know..." I said.

The tears seemed to want to fall as I thought of what it must be like. I'm going to die. The words seemed to feel like nails bouncing around my head. Sky said he would try, but no hope that it would work.

"But won't you know?"

I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. I moved the blankets off of my body. My body is being killed off at every moment of the day and I can't save myself this time. I was starting to look like I had a monster growing in my body. It's only been about 2 months and it already looks like this. Great just another step towards my grave.

"I'm going to get me some water." I said grabbing my robe. "Oh and in the morning can you run me by the hospital?"

All I heard was a faint sure as I closed the door. A glass of Swiss Hot Chocolate will help with my nerves and maybe a few pepermints. Yeah, that always helps my nerves. I tip-toed down the steps like I did when I was a kid so I wouldn't wake anyone up. I felt like a little kid that was about to get into the candy that stayed in a big cookie jar. I set my foot on the cold white tiles and walked to the kitchen. Pulling ot the Swiss Hot Chocolate I saw the box of Giant Pepermints Sticks. Silently I did my victory dance. Out of everything that has been happening it was nice to have one victory for the week. Of course, it would be nice if there were more and not just one, but beggers can't be choosers. I took a mug out of the cabnet and oured the hot water in the cup.

Once I was done I sat on the counter. The rich creamy chocolate seemed to heat my body up with every sip. I'm glad I can keep this down and not throw it up. At least I know the child has my taste in drinks. I guess that would be another win for me. Awesome! 2 wins in one week. Now that's a record! I stopped my victory dance when I heard Sky talking.

".....tell her. It was terrible, but she keeps telling me we have to try. Jason, I can't lose her. Not when I barely have her as it is." Sky's voice was thick with pain.

"I know, but we have to try. For her. Tomorrow I want you to take her to dinner and a movie. Try and make her feel safe and loved. Oh and don't bring up death. I'll have Jake take her shoping with the college money I was saving up. I won't need it since it was for my girlfriend and she left me. Anyways, once they get back I'll take her to get in a pretty outfit from that place down the street. We'll stop for lunch and then we will come back here she will take a shower and put her make-up on then she's all yours. Jake already approved of it. He said he will get her up at about 6. So in 4 hours and 12 minutes." Jason said.

Wow they would do all that? For me? Then that means Jake was talking about tomorrow. I jumped off the counter and grabbed my drink to go back to my room. I opened the door to see the bed empty and the covers fixed. Both lamps were on and the bathroom water was running. I guess he needed a shower. Now that I think of it, I could really use one, too. Grabbing my jeans that had three tears on the front part and my Panic! At The Disco T-shirt.


Okay, so what do you all think of this one? I know, it's not the best chapter in the world, but I tried. I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year!




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