If He Loves

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I looked up at Sky to see him staring down at the white tile floor. I didn't dare inch closer. Taking a step back I saw his head snap up at the sound of something cracking. Before I could figure out what the sound was a pain shot through my stomach and up my spine. It felt like the bones in my hip in back were being smashed with a fierce weight. Looking down I was in a white and blue gown. There was just one spot of red that began to spread over my stomach. I fell on my back as the pain increased. What's happening to me? Am I dying? My screams pierced my ears. I never thought I could scream like that. As I looked down, past my stomach, I could see a baby covered in blood and white sharp teeth. Behind the baby Sky now stood. Before I knew it the baby had bit into my leg. Monster!

I sat up. Looking at my surroundings I saw I was in the only odd room. I saw my clothes had been put up in the black dresser. It was dark out and the only light that shined through was from the tinted window. I heard snoring from down the hall. Must be Jason. He always snored really loud. I removed the covers to see I was in a tank top and my black underwear with fake bullets lining the rim. They really are quite cute. Well, at least I think they are. Getting up I grabbed the robe that layed accross the top of the dresser. It was my old robe that I left here after I had went to the hospital. It was a midnight blue and stopped just past my knees. I could never do the whole all-the-way-down thing. I can't stand robes that do. Now that I think about it I'm pretty weird. I slowly opened the door. Someone was awake down stairs. I could here the movie Beetlejuice playing. Either someone is just into the wife or they just really like the movie. Well, I can't talk for the longest time everyone called my Lydia. Only because I didn't have friends and they thought I was going through a 'faze'. Ha they were so wrong.

Walking down the steps I saw Sky was sitting there. He just sat there, glued to the T.V. Should I comfront him? Will he kill me? Will he try and turn me? The last question struck me. Turn me? I felt a weird sensation rise in my stomach. Would I want to be turned? Could I really handle that?

"I see you're feeling better." He said.

He didn't look at me or anything. So how did he know it was me?

"Um yeah. I must've hit pretty hard earlier." I said sitting next to him on the couch.

He just stared at me. He was still so damn beautiful. I remember the last kiss I had given him just before I pushed him out the door. That was an amazing kiss. It was full of compasion.

"I'm sorry. This never should've happened. I honestly didn't know anything like this could happen. So if you want to keep the thing you can, but Jason and I already talked about what will happen if you die giving birth. The baby will go to him and he will take care of the child. Even if it kills him. He is a really good brother." He said looking down at his hands.

"Thanks for understanding my point of view, but if I die-which I will try to prevent-I want you to take care of the baby. Not because you are the father, but because you can teach her to be good. She can learn from you. If you leave her with my brother she might never learn how to control her thirst and could likely kill him in the end. I wouldn't want him to die because you were too selfish to do it yourself. I'm not trying to be mean, but isn't there another way that I can live through this? Without getting rid of the child?"

"I'm afraid not. Like I said nothing like this has ever happened. Not that I know of, anyway."

"Maybe we could do some research. Look into it." I felt myself slipping. "There has to be something we can do. There has to."

He hesitated before wrapping an arm around me. It was nice to be semi-normal. Even if none of this was normal. I know I shouldn't be okay with any of this, but I am and I want it to last forever. Just to sit here watching Beetlejuice and acting as if everything is okay. When in all reality I could die tomorrow or next week. And, yeah, it scares the living hell out of me, but I can't show it. I have to be strong for Ryan. Ryan. I pushed away from him.

"Where's Ryan?" I asked.

"Calm down, momma bear. He's fine. He went to Jack's-I believe his name is-house. Said he had more room and a video game room so he could play." He said it so camly. Putting his hands behind his head. "Wish I had one of those in my house. Too bad."

"Why are you so calm? They could get robbed! Or killed!" I said panicking.

"Not likely. Just to be safe your brother went with them." He said now inching closer to my face. "So we have the house all to our self."

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as he leaned in closer. My mind began to get foggy. All I could think of was his lips on mine and our bodies being as one with each other. Just like the first time we met. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer. I want-no need-him right now. The moans and groans carried through the night as his name carried behind. Locking our soul and body together. With every motion I could feel the tension falling. The feeling of the night sliding by and the sweat covering our bodies was more than anything I could have imagined.

As we lay there on the couch I could feel him lisenting to the baby. Like he always did that when he never really did. If I had one wish it would be to have more moments like this. Just us lost in our own little world that was tied together with one little angel. This is what it must be like to have a normal life. Tobe normal.


Hello, my little readers! I hope you are all enjoying the book so far. Well, you all know what to do!





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