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morning sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow into jisung and felix's room as the younger stirred awake. he stretched lazily, feeling the anticipation bubbling in his chest for the day ahead. today was his date with Jisung, and he couldn't wait to spend the entire day with him.

after a quick shower, he made his way back to their shared bedroom and woke jisung up.

"hey love, it's time to wake up." the blue haired boy said, planting kisses on the older's clothless chest.

"mm, 'kay jus' gimme a minute lixie." he said.

"noooo~" felix whined, "we have a date today, remember?" he pouted as he was laying on top of jisung.

"hmm yeah i remember" opening his eyes, jisung brushed away felix's hair. "lemme just get ready. okay?"


(little time skip, cause im lazy to write the outfits lol)

as they walked, felix couldn't help but smile, thinking about the adventures they would have together.

when they arrived at the café, they sat down at their usual table with a bright smile on their face. it was just, so healing after a long time. the two boys ordered their picks, two slices of cheesecakes and milkshakes.

the hours seemed to fly by as they chatted and laughed, lost in each other's company. eventually, they decided to leave the café and explore the city together. hand in hand, they wandered through the bustling streets, taking in the sights and sounds of the city.

as they strolled through the park, felix couldn't resist pulling jisung into a spontaneous dance beneath the shade of a tree. they twirled and spun around, laughter bubbling up between them as they moved in perfect harmony.

"i love you so much, my jisungie." felix said, kissing the other boy passionately.

their next stop was a quaint bookstore tucked away on a side street. they spent hours browsing through the shelves, sharing their favorite books and discovering new ones together. felix couldn't help but feel a deep sense of contentment as they lost themselves in the world of literature. after he's got his dream job, he was obsessed with books and everything.

when the sun began to dip below the horizon, they made their way to a cozy little restaurant for dinner. over plates of delicious food and glasses of wine, they shared stories what happened them in their childhood.

as the evening drew to a close, felix and jisung found themselves walking hand in hand once again, this time beneath the starlit sky. they stopped at a quiet spot overlooking the city, wrapped up in each other's arms as they watched the lights twinkling below.

in that moment, felix knew he never wanted this day to end. he missed his lover, even though they live together, seeing each other every day. with the slightly older by his side, every moment felt magical, every laugh felt brighter, and every touch felt electric.

it was so quiet -but not awkward- what jisung eventually broke it. he turned towards felix, holding his face.

"it's getting cold, should we go home and watch some movies?"

"hmm, yeah." the young boy smiled.

a/n: took me so long to update lol. but im here now (might just disappear again tho), sorry for mistakes!! xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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