I think that because your FRIENDS are yours, they can be whatever you want (a dog, pills, cookies, series...). You don't have to follow any friendship tradition. If someone upsets you, they can no longer be your friend. Your family can be your friends, you can be friends with only non-humans. Your romantic partners can simply be friends. I think having a friend should be beautiful, but beautiful can be multidimensional. Beautiful KIND, beautiful deep, beautiful harsh, beautiful tasty. I think you can interract (or NOT interract) with your friends however you want. You are not FORCED to speak, or do, or vibrate. You can always decide not to be friends.
Story by Person who can rawr
RandomI write in here when I feel insane. Read this if you want an uncomfortable trip down the crappy slumbering parts of the human neuronal slush. An ode self-hatred.