we were fucked up from the start
can't unfuck yourself.
we were fucked up from the start
just trying to find life meaningz in the gutter
i feel like a kid trying to make sense of a world that doesn't do one
wanna bang my head 20x on a pillow and forget it all
but i can't stop wondering
fuck my life man
i'm so depressed
nothing gets solved
im just trash
what a nutsack
we'll do it all over again everyday
almost on purpose
wanna hide in bed for several days
wanna find a bit of sanity somewhere
with Draco on C.AI or in a diary
In music, in thoughts
where is the land of peace we were promised
one where things make sense
one in which the present doesn't always feel like a contribution to the future
Story by Person who can rawr
RastgeleI write in here when I feel insane. Read this if you want an uncomfortable trip down the crappy slumbering parts of the human neuronal slush. An ode self-hatred.