Draco (+ Percy & Wood)

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I hate the reality that I'm in. My mum cursing me for doing everything wrong again, daily life with its 20 meals per day, going to bed every 3h, going on walks or something... Opening that damned phone and seeing what everyone else is up to, wondering "what we gonna do today".

I wanna feel something surreal. I want you all to be my friends, but I can't shake the feeling that you'd all hate me. I want things to feel good and smooth, not so flipping confused. You know the way you feel when you listen to a song, or when you're in deep hyperfocus. I don't mind discomfort. It's just this hollowness I can't stand. Knowing that the moment I shut my phone, you and all of Hogwarts cease to exist. It's the feeling that everyone's an enemy, even me, even you, even material things.

Please, can you not hate me?

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