Chapter 18: A Request For Help

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Amy POV: 

Mobotropilus is a war zone. Destruction and flames encase the entire city from the richest neighborhoods to the slums. Many of the buildings collapsed when the bombs came down with very few parts of the city not affected. 

I buried Cora near the cornfield she loved to play in during the fall. Everyone came to comfort me; Rouge, Knuckles, Silver, Blaze, Cream, Vanilla, and even Sonic came. Everyone brought freshly picked flowers from the forest nearby as all the stores were focusing on providing food for everyone.

I wept as I grieved the loss of the cat that was the only good thing of Sonic I had left. 

Sonic has been working with Sally to help the people of Mobotropilus find sanctuary. He speeds through each of the camps around the remains of the city, documenting who needs what supplies before speeding off to bring them to us. I'm shocked at his ability to stay calm and smart in this situation. 

"Oh thank God..." I whisper as I find Shadow's emergency backpack in the rubble. I check to see if the Emerald is still in there. Thankfully it is.

I sigh in relief as I close the zipper and put the bag on my back. I managed to find the duffel bag that I used to pack my things whenever I would spend the night at Shadow's house. I take some of my clothes that survived as well as some of my books. 

"Ms. Amy!" I hear Cream yell out. Quickly, I run towards her and almost tear up when I see what's in her arms. "Look, it's the purple cow Mr. Shadow got you when we were in Pacifica." 

My eyes burn as I take it from her gently. It's a little dirty with stains on the belly part of the plushie. However, it doesn't seem ripped or wet from anything around. I hold it against my body as tears slip out of my eyes. 

"Shadow..." I weep as Cream wraps herself around me sadly. "Oh, Shadow...please come home..." 

After I composed myself, we gathered some of my other things that survived. I find my tarot cards along with a couple of other pieces of clothing. We haul what we can to my car and make our way back to the survivor's camp created in the woods nearby. 

There were many camps around the surroundings of Mobotropolius. Many went to the one near the palace where the rulers of Mobius graciously accepted them to stay. Many families were provided with various rooms, sleeping bags, and food. 

The camp that we came to was organized by our friend group. It was for those who weren't strong enough to go toward the castle or were injured and needed healing. Thankfully, both Silver and Blaze are excellent healers. 

Rouge and Knuckles are there too, helping in whatever way they can. Angel Island collapsed into the city. The Master Emerald was taken by Dr. Eggman, who went back up into space. I'm worried about the next attack he'll try to do against us as well as how many other people, human and nonhuman, were attacked, injured, or died in this entire situation. 

The person I'm thinking of most though is Shadow. I remember the phone call cutting off when Shadow's space station was freaking out. I saw the red lights flashing on his camera before the call cut. No one knows anything and I haven't been able to get through to Sonic to ask him what was going on. 

When I get to camp, I tell Cream to go help her mom gather fruits in the forest nearby. Everyone who isn't injured is running around helping those who are. They help in whatever way they can. Those who aren't healers go scouting to hunt. Those who can't hunt go savaging to find editable fruit. Some sew blankets or sweaters for everyone to stay warm. Some collect wood and sticks to use as firewood. 

I plan to go help some of the older women sew once I drop my things off at my tent. However, that plan drops dead when I see who is in here sitting on my mattress. 

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