Chapter 22: Return to Mobius

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Amy POV: 


My eyes flutter open as I look around. My body cries out in pain as I realize just how sore I am. I sit up carefully. 'Oh legs. And my arms...where am I?'

The room I am in is enormous and elegant. The walls and floors seem to be white with golden decorations on every inch of the wall. There are three large windows with one of them seeming to be a glass door that leads out to a small balcony outside. They are covered with white silk curtains. A few paintings hang on the walls, depicting ancient rulers of Mobius. 

A giant rug sits on the floor, a cream-colored one with brown and gold patterns on it. A desk sits nearby with a chair and various items on the desk that look like medical ones. A couch sits on the other corner of the room with large dressers and cabinets. A giant bag sits there, the one that was in my tent in the camp near my ruined home. The bed I'm in is king-sized with white sheets and pillows. An overhead frame holds various silk curtains identical to the ones covering the windows. 

I look to my left and see Shadow sitting on a chair with his head lying on the bed. He's wearing the same clothes I saw him in. He's wearing a plain red shirt with black sweatpants and a black jacket over it. Nearby are black combat boots that are lying on the ground. Shadow's quills are tied back now with noticeable exhaustion visible on his face. His gloves are off, set on a table near the bed.

Carefully, I touch his forehead. I press a gentle kiss on his forehead while whispering to him. 

"Shadow...Shadow wake up...wake up." 

His eyes open slowly, the dark red hue of them looking at me for a moment before shaking his head. 

"Rose?" My boyfriend whispers as he carefully touches my hair, moving it away from my face. "Are you...awake?" 

"I am," I say. I give Shadow a small smile. "Hi."


My boyfriend's eyes study me as he runs his hand down my face. He touches my hair carefully as he comes closer to me. He presses his forehead against my own. I press a hand to his chest and I can feel his heart rate beating faster. His breathing is heavy. 

"Are you okay?" I ask, concerned for his behavior. "Your heart is going crazy and it looks like you're sweating..."

Suddenly, he grabs me by my shoulders and presses me against him. He crushes me to him as he begins shaking terribly. I wrap myself around him as I pull him down onto the bed next to me. Carefully, I pull him into a deep kiss. His shaky hands go to my waist as Shadow kisses me back passionately. As if he was never going to be able to do that again. My hands wander to his chest for a moment before going around his neck and pressing my body as close to his as possible. 

After a few minutes, Shadow seems to calm down enough as he pulls away. He lays down next to me, staring. 


"You know there's a saying many people tell their partners," He tells me. Shadow reaches out and grabs both of my hands, pressing a kiss to each. "How they wouldn't know what to do if they lost each other. How to live. How to even breathe. But...I knew exactly what it would have been like if I lost you and it terrified me."

I reach out to him, cupping his cheek. "I'm sorry I put you through that. I was scared too...I thought I was going to die without being able to see you again. To be near you. To hold you. Hell, just being in the same room as you again."

"I...thought you were going to die when you tackled Eggman into that ship. I thought that was going to be the last image of you that would haunt my dreams," A single tear streams down his face as he speaks. "I was scared of...failing you. Of not being able to protect someone I care so deeply about..."

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