Chapter 19: A Rescue Mission

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Amy POV: 

"You guys ready?" Sonic asks as he enters our tent. 

Rouge answers as she stands up. "We are, Sonic." 

When I arrived with Sonic, my friends could hardly believe Sonic's story. After endless apologies on both ends, they all agree to accompany us to the space station to defeat Dr. Eggman and save Sonic's siblings. 

'And Shadow.' I think to myself as I adjust my gloves. 'I'm not leaving without him.' 

This outfit was something Roxy had told me to surprise Shadow with when he came back. It's an amazing outfit that makes me look completely different than when I first met him. I'm wearing a sleeveless red top and skirt with black fabric outlining them. Roxy also gave me custom-made fingerless red gloves with black entailing as well as knee-high red and black boots, and thigh-high black stockings. My new headband has black spikes on it and I can't help but stare at myself in awe in the mirror. 

"Shadow is going to lose his mind when he sees you," Blaze says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"I just need him to stay alive...I can't lose him, Blaze. Not before I could tell him that I..." I stop myself as I wipe my eyes. 

My old childhood friend smiles at me as she hugs me. She rubs my back gently as she speaks. "You know for a fact that Shadow is strong. He'll hold out for you. I know it." 

Rouge flies over towards us, joining the hug. "Shadow is more stubborn than anyone I've ever met. If I know him, he's going to fight till his last breath to see you again, Amy." 

My friends both pull away and I smile at both of them. They look amazing too. Rouge is wearing a pink crop top with a black jacket over it, thick black leggings, and knee-high white boots. Her black wings are underneath the jacket, no doubt in my mind trying to flap around. Blaze is wearing an off-the-shoulder white exercise dress with purple strings around her sleeves and waist. Her shoes are flat white ones with a purple stripe on the center of them. Her hair is tied up away from her face. 

Silver, Tails, and Knuckles are speaking to Sonic in hushed voices, seeming to tell him something about the people here in the camp. The new King of Mobius is wearing a plain white shirt with a blue jacket zipped up halfway, red shorts, and his usual red shoes. Silver is wearing a blue collared shirt with white pants and jacket. His shoes are blue with white laces in them. His quills are loose and long, down to his thighs. 

Tails is wearing a light blue shirt with white shorts and red shoes with white reinforcements. On his head are brown aviation goggles. Knuckles is wearing a black hoodie with a white hood and a green base pocket. Green shorts and red shoes complete his outfit. His red hair is tied up in a bun. 

Sticks runs in with Cream, and Vanilla. She walks over toward me taking both of my hands. "Will you be okay up there?"

I nod at her. "Yeah, I will. Will you guys be okay taking care of everyone while we're gone?" 

Cream nods and hugs me tightly. "Ms. Amy? Please be careful and bring Mr. Shadow back. I want to show him my Halloween costume..." 

My eyes water at the request and I nod at her. "I won't come back without him, Cream. I promise. Help your mom with whatever she needs okay?" 

The kid nods and I bid my farewells to Vanilla, promising her to be careful. With that, we all walk out of the tent toward the giant spaceship that Sally had brought over. She steps out of the doors and waves at us to board the ship. 

We all walk in and she bids each of us goodbye. She rubs Tails' head, shakes hands with Blaze, bows to Silver, fist bumps Knuckles, hip bumps Rouge, and hugs me. 

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