What Taylor Swift song would you play at your wedding?
"She seriously handed you an NDA after having sex?" My friend, Aria asks and I nod.
"How was she in bed?" She asks.
She just gave me the best sex of my life.
"I'm not telling you, that was in the NDA" I say.
"If you tell anyone about last night, I'll seriously be dead" I warned and she zipped her mouth.
"Honey, our family have been invited to this party next week. Do you think you can come?" Dad asks.
"What is the party for?" I ask.
"My higschool friend who I recently got in touch with invited us. He said that it was for his daughter" Dad says and I nod.
"I'll be clearing up my schedule that day. Which day?" I ask.
"It's Thursday afternoon. Do you have anything to wear? You and your mom can go shopping in the morning" He says and I looked at mom who was all smiles.
"I don't think shopping is a good idea" I say.
"I know my limitations!" Mom defends.
"The last time we went shopping, you almost bought everything you liked" I say and giggled.
"Your dad gave me the free will to do so!" She says and laughed.
"Mom, I'm well aware that we can afford things but try slowing down with buying luxury items especially when your closet is in need of space because of all the stuff you have" I say.
"Honey, let your mom enjoy life. I work hard so you two can have a comfortable life" Dad says.
"I'm just waiting for you to pass down the position to me, Dad. You don't even let me work because I'm your princess" I say.
"Exactly!" Dad says and smiled.
"Dad, I'm 30 years old!" I say.
"You're still our princess, no matter what age" Mom says.
"Yeah, right" I say and playfully rolled my eyes.
Shopping with my mom is always exhausting.
"Mom, my feet are killing me!" I complained from walking all morning just to visit every store she wanted.
"Honey, it won't kill you" She says and I groaned.
I looked at our security carrying our bags, mostly what mom bought.
"Mom, I'm not even kidding if we don't leave right now. I'm not attending the party later" I threatened.
"Last one and we're done" She says and entered yet another store.
She bought something and we finally went home.
She was very happy with her expensive purchases.
I was also satisfied with the dress I bought to wear for later.
Time passed by quickly and we're already in the car on the way to the party.
"Scott's daughter is four years older than you are. I think you'll get together well" Dad says.
"I have heard she's popular" Mom says but I ignored her.
I was busy scrolling through my phone.
"We're here, Mr. Thomson" Our driver says.