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Entering the cellblock, Vanessa couldn't ignore the evident signs of Glenn's recent encounter with the Governor. His battered face and swollen features told a story of brutality. Cutting through the tension, she remarked, "You look like shit."

Glenn responded with a touch of sarcasm, "Thank you." Vanessa took a seat beside him on the bed, her concern evident. "How are you feeling?" she inquired, her gaze filled with a mixture of sympathy and sadness. Glenn met her eyes, answering honestly, "Well... I feel the same as I look, I guess." Vanessa offered a sad smile in return, acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

"What happened there?" she asked, prompting Glenn to recount the events. "Daryl's brother happened. That asshole apparently enjoys beating the shit out of people." Vanessa nodded in agreement, a shared sentiment about Merle's despicable actions, "Yeah, he seems like a piece of shit." Glenn, aware of Vanessa's closeness to Daryl, hesitated before delicately broaching the subject. "How are you? I know you were close with Daryl?"

"I don't want to talk about it. I'm here for you right now, not to talk about a man that left us without a second thought," Vanessa replied firmly, steering the conversation back to Glenn and his well-being. Glenn appreciated the gesture and nodded in understanding.

Shifting the focus, Vanessa delved into the apparent tension between Glenn and Maggie. "How are things going with Maggie? It seems kind of tense." Glenn sighed, his expression mirroring the internal turmoil he faced. Vanessa, persistent in her concern for her friends, pressed for details. "What happened?"

Glenn, seemingly conflicted, finally began to share, "I don't know. It's just... something happened back there, and I don't know what to do, what to say to her. Everything is so fucked up, and I feel like she doesn't want to talk to me."

Vanessa listened attentively, recognizing the complexities of relationships in the midst of a chaotic world. "Well, I don't know what's the situation or what happened there. But what I know is that you two truly care for each other. Whatever happened won't change that. Maybe she feels the same as you; she may feel that you're not really open to the discussion, or maybe she just doesn't know what to say. If I can give you any advice, go talk to her, tell her how you feel, express your feelings. Maggie is smart; she'll listen, and she'll understand. You two are made for each other, so don't worry about that."

Attempting to offer comfort, Vanessa squeezed Glenn's arm gently. Glenn, appreciating the sincere advice, didn't immediately respond. "I'll let you think about the situation now. If you need anything, I'm here. I care about you, Glenn; you're my best friend." She patted his shoulder before leaving the cell, providing him with the space to navigate the complexities of his emotions. As Vanessa departed, Glenn was left to reflect on the turbulent currents within his relationship with Maggie.


The group gathered in Tyreese's cellblock, hoping for a discussion about potential collaboration, found themselves waiting for Rick's decision. Vanessa hoped he would let them join them, they could use the extra hands, especially with the Governor and Woodbury situation. If it resulted in a war, they'd need all the help they could get.

"I'm Tyreese," the newcomer introduced himself. Rick's cold gaze bore into the group as Hershel, with the aid of his crutches, pointed out each member, introducing them "Sasha, Allen, Ben." Rick wasted no time getting to the point, his inquiry laced with suspicion, "How'd you get in?"

Tyreese, direct in his response, explained the breach caused by fire damage. The walls down, they navigated through the overrun administrative section. "Fire damage to the administrative part of the prison. Walls down." Rick, his skepticism apparent, pressed further, "That side's completely overrun with walkers. How'd you get this far?" Tyreese met Rick's intense stare and revealed the loss of their friend, Donna. "We didn't. We lost our friend Donna." Carl interjected, adding, "They were lost in the tombs," and Vanessa supplemented, "We helped them out."

Rick's anger flared as he turned to Carl and Vanessa. "You brought them here?" he questioned, clearly agitated. Hershel, acting as a voice of reason, defended their decision, "They had no choice."

"I'm sorry about your friend. We know what that's like," Rick acknowledged, displaying a rare glimpse of empathy. He lowered his head, thinking about the loss they endured. "Hershel said you could use some extra hands. We're no stranger to hard work. We'll go out and get our own food, stay out of your hair. You got a problem with another group, we'll help with that, too. Anything to contribute." Vanessa hoped Rick would understand they needed this help Tyreese proposed. Rick lowered his head again before sharply cutting in "No." Rick, driven by past traumas and an unyielding fear, sharply rejected their plea. Sasha pleaded, "Please. It's like '10 little Indians' out there. It's just us now."

Rick's resolute response remained unchanged. "No," he declared, dismissing their potential contributions. Vanessa felt a sense of helplessness, her desire to aid these newcomers stifled by Rick's steadfast refusal.

Hershel attempted to mediate, suggesting further discussion. "Let's talk about this." Hershel said, trying to resonate with Rick. "We can just keep—" Rick, however, cut him off, referencing past betrayals with Tomas and Andrew. "We've been through this. With Tomas, Andrew. Look what happened." Vanessa, recalling the recent events with Oscar, Alex, and the Governor's, argued, "Yeah, and look what happened with Alex and Oscar. They helped us." But Rick was stubborn "And where's Oscar now ?" He said sharply, turning to look at Vanessa. The latter exchanged a glance with Hershel and Carol, not agreeing to Rick's aggressive behavior. No one else dared to talk so Rick, unwavering, turned sharply toward Tyreese, questioning their motives.

"I can't be responsible," Rick asserted, a harshness in his tone that unsettled the room. Tyreese tried to reason, "You turn us out, you are responsible." Rick's silence spoke volumes. Hershel implored Rick to reconsider, "Rick." Rick, his internal struggle evident, finally approached the old man.

"You've done so much for us. I appreciate that. We all do. We owe you our lives," Hershel acknowledged. "We've done everything you asked without question. And I'm telling you you're wrong on this. You've got to start giving people a chance."

As Rick stared at Tyreese's group over Hershel's shoulder, an eerie stillness fell over the room. Everyone looked at him expectantly and Rick sighed before looking up, fixing a point in the room. Vanessa, following Rick's gaze, saw nothing remarkable, but the intensity of his panic escalated. "No. No, no, no, no. No," Rick muttered, shaking his head in denial. He continued like that for a moment, taking his head on his hands before his panicked state intensified as he walked menacingly toward Tyreese, seemingly fixated on an invisible threat.

"Why are you here ? What do you want from me ?" Carl, wondering what his father was doing asked him worried, "Dad ?" But Rick only ignored him and continued his psychosis "Why are you– no." He looked up again and started yelling, his eyes still glued on the spot near the window, "I can't help you ! Get out !" He was now walking toward Tyreese, "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Tyreese tried to calm him down but it was pointless. "Get– get out !" Tyreese stepped back a little "Hey, come on. Whoa, it's all good." Sasha added her voice "What are you doing ?" Rick was pacing back and forth, breathing heavily. "Hey, easy, Rick. There's no need to–" but Maggie was cut short by Rick loud yell "You don't belong here ! Get out ! Please !"

"Rick, please calm down!" Vanessa pleaded, but her words fell on deaf ears. Rick's rant grew louder as he demanded they leave. Tyreese, sensing the escalating danger, attempted to pacify Rick, assuring they would depart.
"We'll leave. We're going. Ain't nobody got to get shot here. We're going." However, Rick's psychosis persisted as he didn't seem to hear the man. "What are you doing here?!" he bellowed.

He paced menacingly towards Tyreese, but in the chaos that ensued, Glenn, caught between the conflicting forces, stepped in front of Rick. "Just go! Go! Go!" he urged Tyreese's group.
Tyreese scared for his and his group's lives tried to calm him down again, "Okay, we're going." Their hasty exit, with Glenn trailing behind them, left the remaining members of the group in a state of shock, staring wide-eyed at the man who had just exhibited a disturbing descent into paranoia, wondering what the hell just happened.

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