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As the day went on, night started to wrap the prison in shadows, Vanessa and Carl stood by the reinforced fence, the weight of their worries lifted momentarily by the companionship. The air was heavy with the unspoken, and Carl broke the silence, expressing the concern that gripped him. "I'm kind of worried about my dad."

Vanessa met his gaze with compassion, her understanding evident. "I won't lie, I'm worried about Rick too. Since..." She hesitated, avoiding the mention of Lori, aware of the delicate ground they tread. However, Carl encouraged her to voice the unspoken. "Since my mom died. You can say it, you know?" Vanessa's eyes met Carl's, reflecting a shared sorrow. "Since mom died, dad seems to..." Carl faltered, struggling to find the words.

"...have lost his mind?" Vanessa completed the sentence, cutting through the unspoken pain. Carl's eyes, filled with sadness, acknowledged the truth.


Feeling a surge of protective instincts for the young boy that she quickly turned to consider as a younger brother, Vanessa opened her arms, silently offering comfort. Carl hesitated briefly before accepting the unspoken invitation, running into her embrace. He clung to her, the weight of his emotions finding solace in the shared warmth. "It's gonna be okay. Things will get better," Vanessa reassured him, her hand gently rubbing his back.

"You promise?" Carl's voice, tinged with vulnerability, sought assurance. Vanessa considered her words carefully, understanding the weight of a promise. "I promise that I'll do anything in my power to make things better." Carl nodded, finding solace in her commitment.

After a moment, they released their embrace, returning to the reality of their surroundings. They joined Carol, Axel, and Beth in the middle of the prison yard, engaging in conversation.
Carl and Beth were chatting on the side, meanwhile Vanessa was listening to Carol and Axel conversation about Axel's brother while laying against a nearby truck, sharpening her arrows. As Carol and Axel shared laughter, the sudden crack of a gunshot shattered the peace. "One time that son of a bitch–" Axel, mid-sentence, fell lifeless, a bullet piercing his head.

Panic ensued as the group scrambled for cover. Vanessa hid behind the truck she was laying against only a few seconds before, assessing the situation, ensuring everyone found shelter. Carl and Beth crouched behind a table, but still exposed, while Carol sought refuge behind Axel's lifeless body. The sudden attack left them shaken, and Vanessa, gripping her bow, focused on the threat outside.

Gunfire erupted, and Vanessa returned fire, aiming towards the unseen assailants. She knew her bow would not be very useful right now, since the Governor and his men were behind the fence. Which would stop her arrows from reaching them. The exchange continued until a sudden halt left an eerie silence. The attackers, though silent, remained a lurking threat.

"Beth !" Maggie came from the prison door, joining the battle and handing her sister rifles.
Vanessa, now wielding a gun, shifted her attention to Carol, still exposed.

"Carol! Go!" Vanessa shouted, providing cover fire as Carol sprinted towards Beth, who handed her a rifle. The arrival of Maggie injected new energy into the defense, but the unknown assailants lingered, biding their time.

The sudden roar of an engine pierced the air, capturing everyone's attention. A truck crashed through the prison gate, creating a path for the occupants. It disgorged a horde of walkers, relentless in their advance. Vanessa, realizing the imminent danger, refocused on the new threat.

The driver emerged, shooting at the group. Vanessa, switching to her bow, targeted the walkers, striving to keep the undead at bay. The Governor and his men withdrew, leaving chaos in their wake. Another truck approached, revealing Glenn at the wheel. Despite the Governor's departure, a new menace loomed as the destroyed fence allowed the relentless horde to invade.

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