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"You can't leave without meeting little Ass-kicker," Carol's warm invitation cut through the uneasy air as Andrea approached. Vanessa, however, remained silent, her gaze fixed on the woman who had once been part of their group. "May I hold her?" Andrea asked, and Carol gladly handed the newborn, Judith, into her arms. "Of course."

As the baby settled into Andrea's embrace, soft cries emanated from Judith. Vanessa couldn't help but scoff internally – of course, she'd cry in your arms. I would too. "Oh, look at you... let me guess. Daryl named her 'Ass-Kicker,'" Carol chuckled softly, breaking the tension in the room.

"That's not her real name. Judith," Carol revealed, and Vanessa, still somber, lowered her head. "What happened to Lori?" Andrea inquired, and Carol began to recount the painful events. "During a C-section. Maggie. Carl had to–" Andrea looked horrified when she understood what had happened, "Oh my God." Vanessa interrupted, her voice heavy with the weight of loss, "T-Dog died leading us to safety."

"And Shane?" Andrea's questions seemed to unravel the web of complicated history they all shared. "Rick killed him," Carol stated bluntly.
"The night we left the farm. That whole Randall thing was a lie. Shane tried to kill Rick." Andrea's disbelief hung heavy in the air, "Shane loved Rick.", and Vanessa, remembering the tumultuous past, added, "Shane loved Lori."

"Shane loved Lori," Carol affirmed without a hint of hesitation. "Rick's become cold. Unsteady," Andrea observed, her eyes searching for understanding. "He has his reasons," Carol defended, and Vanessa chimed in, "We all have."

"The Governor, you need to do something," Carol pleaded, sensing the impending storm.
"I am," Andrea's response was unsteady but she tried to make it look confident, but Vanessa saw through the facade. Like hell you are.
"No, you need to sleep with him. Give him the greatest night of his life. You get him to drop his guard. Then when he's sleeping, you can end this." Carol's audacious proposal hung in the air, Andrea horrified by the suggestion.

"That could work. A man doesn't use his brain when it's about sex. If you could do that, that would save us," Vanessa spoke, her tone surprisingly hopeful. Andrea, caught in the conflicting currents of loyalty and survival, couldn't offer a clear response. Vanessa left before the weight of her own words settled in.


In the prison yard, Glenn, acting as a harbinger of departure, stood beside the car he had prepared for Andrea. "Thanks," she said, acknowledging the gesture. "Can you spare it?" Andrea inquired of Rick. "Yeah." His response was curt, his demeanor distant. The faces around her offered no smiles, only stoic expressions and unspoken tension.

"Well, take care," Andrea said, her gaze shifting from one face to another, seeking a trace of warmth that remained elusive. She finally got in the car and closed the door, window open. "Andrea," Rick's voice cut through the chilly air as he handed her a pocket knife. "Be careful." The words were laden with unspoken concerns, and Andrea reciprocated, "You too."

As Andrea drove away, leaving the prison behind, Vanessa watched from a distance. Merle closed the gates, sealing off the departing figure. Hope lingered in Vanessa's heart, a fragile expectation that Andrea might choose to help them. If she did, Vanessa knew she owed the woman an apology for her cold reception and the threats that had once echoed through the prison corridors and in the farm.


The dining room was a sanctuary of strained camaraderie. Vanessa sat with Glenn, Carol, and Maggie, sharing a quiet meal that was punctuated by the collective tension lingering in the air. Daryl entered the room, his eyes scanning the familiar faces until they found Vanessa's. In that silent exchange, an unspoken understanding passed between them, and Daryl gestured subtly for her to follow him.

After a moment of hesitation, Vanessa rose from her seat, remembering the conversation she had with Merle. "Where are you going ?" Glenn asked when he noticed she hadn't finished her meal. She excused herself with a vague explanation, "I just got something to do. I'll be back." Glenn's questioning gaze followed her as she left, and a knowing look passed between those left at the table when they saw her leaving with Daryl.

The pair walked in silence until they reached the perch, a place laden with memories of shared moments that had grown scarce in Daryl's absence. It was the place where they were both sleeping before Daryl left. Vanessa heart ached a bit thinking about it. She's not been able to have a good night of sleep since he was not there to hold her during her nightmares. And judging from the heavy bags under Daryl's eyes, it seems like he felt the same.

Vanessa leaned against the wall, her heart echoing with the ache of his departure. Daryl, wrestling with his discomfort, searched for the right words. He seemed highly uncomfortable and the vision of it would almost make the girl laugh if it wasn't for her to be so upset with the redneck.

"Listen, Vanessa, I'm sorry. Yer right to be upset. I really messed up this time, and I apologize for not being here. Most importantly, I apologize for leaving without a goodbye. I know ya were probably already anxious about the whole situation, and I just made it worse by leaving like that."

"Say it again," Vanessa insisted after a moment of silence.

"What? D'ya mean the whole thing?"

"Say again that I'm right. Oh, and don't forget to add that I'm the strongest and most intelligent person here, and that you're just a kid in comparison to me." Vanessa's smirk teased the corners of her lips, and Daryl, catching on, chuckled slowly.

"I won't say that. And I'm twelve years older than you. I can't be the kid."

Vanessa shrugged playfully, preparing to walk away, but Daryl caught her hand, a grin still playing on his lips. "Okay, okay... I'm really sorry for leaving you like that. You were always right because you're the strongest and most intelligent person here."

"And...?" Vanessa prompted, her eyes gleaming.

Daryl sighed, a hint of resignation in his voice. "And... I'm just a kid in comparison to you."

Vanessa shook his hand in mock triumph before pulling the hunter into a warm hug. "I'm happy to have you back, Dixon. But don't ever pull something like that again." Daryl tightened his grip on her, his voice softening, "I promise I won't. I'm happy to be back... with ya."

Vanessa smiled, her head pressed against Daryl's chest. A small tear escaped her eye, a mixture of relief, joy, and the catharsis of their shared struggle. In that embrace, words became unnecessary, and the silent understanding spoke volumes.

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