One: Meeting

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I walked into school with my headphones over my ears as "Awkward Silence" By StrayKids played, silently singing to myself as I walked through the the halls to my first class which was Science. 

I was so distracted on my music that I suddenly bumped into a taller boy, making his books fall to the ground. It wasn't until after I looked up that I recognized who he was. He was wearing a mask, so I couldn't quite see his full face, but I recognized him as a boy in my Science class.  Oh god.. I thought. Thats my crush. He's gonna hate me.

"YAH. WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING." He yelled. I was extremely embarrassed. I should have watched where I was going.

Seungmin POV: 

"YAH. WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING."  I yelled as a shorter person bumped into me. 

"Shit... Oh my god. I am so sorry! Let me help you!" , she said as she realized my books were on the floor and went to go pick them up. I knelt down to help her, sighed, and said "It's okay. You seemed pretty distracted by your music. I don't blame you. What are you even listening to?" She suddenly looked up at me and looked embarrassed. "Don't worry. I won't judge." I said as i noticed a small blush creep up her cheeks. "Well.." she started "I'm listening to a song called "Awkward Silence" by this K-pop group named Stray Kids I recently got into. Though they just debuted, I really enjoy their songs so i thought I would support them..." her voice started getting quieter.

I smiled at her with my eyes and I noticed her blush turning even redder. Cute, I thought.

"Really? I didn't know you liked Kpop. Well.. considering I don't really see you around." I said. She gave a small nod. "You have a nice music taste. Who's your bias?" I asked and I saw her perk up at this question.


I felt my face get hot again. Did this cute boy from my english class just ask who my bias was? I didn't even know he liked kpop? I thought, as I stood there stunned. 

"Hello? You there? I asked you who your bias was.". He said suddenly waving his hand in-front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh! U-uh yeah! Right! My bias is Kim Seungmin. He has an incredible singing voice. Not to mention he is a super funny and cute guy." I explained. I looked back at the boy who looked at me shocked. I couldn't fully tell because of the mask he was wearing but I knew by his eyes.

 "Is something wrong?" I asked. "Uh. Yeah! He's my bias too! I agree. He is a super good singer." He was quickly cut off by the warning bell. "Oh! Guess its time for class. I have science first thing." He started walking away when I yelled after him, "Wait! Me too! I think we are in the same class. Mrs. C right?" I asked him.

"Uh. Yeah!" He said. "Then I guess we will be walking together." He said. My face grew redder at this.

Oh my god. I thought. I'm walking with my crush to english. 

Seungmin POV:

What the hell. I thought as her and I started towards the classroom. This girl likes StrayKids and I'm her bias?  That's new. I looked at the shorter girl next to me. I couldn't help but smile. I was still a little shocked though from the information I received. But the way she explained all of this stuff with excitement made me happy. I didn't know why.

Soon enough we got to the classroom and there were only a few seats left. Meaning there were two seats directly next to each other.  We both looked at each other, the shorter blushing a bit, and shrugged, then took the seats next to each other. 

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