Three: After School

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The day felt a bit fast. 

Mostly because of the very unexpected events I encountered this morning. 

I walked toward the school gates, scanning the crowd of students walking out of the door to find my two favorite people grinning and waving back at me. I smiled and waved back at them and started walking towards them when I heard a familiar voice call my name.


I quickly turned around to see none other than Sky, running towards me. 

"Sky? Whats wrong?" I asked. "Nothings wrong!" He assured me. "Then what is it?" I said smiling. Almost laughing because this guy was cute as hell.

"Uhm... can I get your number?" 

Seungmin POV (before he asked you):

I walked out of the building with my members by my side.

"So are you gonna ask for her number or not?" Hyunjin asks. "Yeah" I said. I was nervous. My friends could sense that. I felt a arm wrap around my shoulder and a pat on my back. "Don't worry Min. Based on how you described her, I think she'll give you her number." Felix said. "Yeah." Hyunjin said.

"Thanks guys" i said. Smiling at my friends. "I'm gonna go now". "Goodluck!" I hear one of them call out.

I walk away from my group and scan the crowd to find Y/N. 

I find her walking to the gate. Nows my chance. I started picking up my pace, my walk turning into a run. 

"Y/N!" I call out. 

I see her quickly turn around. 

"Sky? Whats wrong?" She asks. "Nothings wrong?" I quickly assured her. "Then what is it?" She asks, smiling softly. My stomach flipped at her smile. God... just ask her seungmin!

I finally get the confidence to ask the question i've been meaning to ask her, "Uhm... can I get your number?" 

She stood there frozen again like she did this morning. 

"Y/N? Hello?" I said, trying to snap her out of her thoughts. "U-uh yeah! of course!" she said as she gave me her phone for me to type my number in. "I'll see you later then?" I said. "y-yeah! later!" she said as she turned around and walked off. I stared after her. Thinking about the way she smiled at me. The way her eyes relaxed as her lips formed into a small curve. My stomach did a flip again.

Why am I thinking about this... just go home seungmin.

I began to walk toward the gate, my heart beating faster than it has today.


What. The. Hell.

I just got my crushes number! Skys number! I excitedly thought as I rushed to my friends, my heart beating at a rapid pace. 

"What took you so long Y/N" Yunjin said. "I just got Sky's number! I'm gonna freak out!" I said, almost too loud. "WHAT!!" Danielle yelled, earning a few looks, including Sky who was walking home. "DANI SHHH. Sorry..." I said as I looked at Sky, smiled, and waved. He waved back and continued to walk. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Yunjin. "Y/N! Spill the tea right now!" She said excitedly. "I will on the walk to my house!" I said, and we started walking and I started to explain the story. 

(Time skip. You have gotten to your house and are sitting in the tv area.)

"I think he likes you." Danielle blurted after I had finally finished. "Dani. That's impossible." I said. "Why else would he ask for your number" Yunjin added. "I don't know. Maybe he just wanted to be friends?" I said.

"Sure" Yunjin said. 

I sighed, sinking more into the couch and burying my face in my hands. I just need to relax. 

I heard a buzz from my phone. 

Seungmin POV:

When I arrived at the dorms, it was its usual chaotic environment. People running around, people screaming, and so on. 

"Seungmin! Your back!" Chan said, coming to greet me. Soon enough, the other members came over to join us in conversation. "Minnie! Did you giver her your number?" Felix asks curiously as he runs up to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Yeah. I did." I said. "Hyung! You should text her!" Jeongin piped up, earning nods in agreement from the rest of the members. "Maybe." I said. I will. I thought confidently. "Don't tell her anything that she shouldn't know!" Chan said. "I won't, hyung." I said. 

With that, I hurry to my room, open up my messages app, and close my door so no one bothers me. I send Y/N a quick message: "Hi Y/N! It's Sky!"


"Someone texted me." I said. "It might be  from Sky." Yunjin said. 

I opened my phone to find a message:



Hi Y/N! It's Sky!

I almost scream. "I think your right Yunjin." I say, showing my friends and trying to contain my excitement. "Text him back!" Dani says excitedly.



Hey Sky! What's up?


Nothing much. Just got back home. Wyd?


Just hanging out w friends.



Apart from that...

Would you like to hangout sometime? 

My face grows hot. I hear Yunjin and Dani squeal. "Y/NNN!" They both scream. "Respond!" Dani screams.


I'd love that!

Where should we go?


There is a really good cafe in town we could go to!

They have great drinks and pastries.

I'm free on saturday! We can go then.


Sounds like a plan!


Cya then! 

I hear more screams from the girls beside me. "Stop screaming! Your hurting my ears!" I say, covering my ears. "Y/N, your crush just asked you out. How are you not screaming?" Dani says, making a good point. 

"I cannot believe he asked to hangout." I said. "As I said, I think he likes you!" Dani said. "I still think that's impossible. He just wants to hangout!" I said. "Sure..." Yunjin repeated.

I really hope this goes well. Maybe we can get closer!


Third chapter done! i really hope you enjoyed!

i might edit this later. 

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