Six: Confused

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A/N: This chapt will most likely be centered around Seungmins POV 

Seungmin POV:

"Seungmin! You okay? You look deep in thought." Hyunjin says. "Uh.. Yeah?" I lie. "Why'd you add a question mark onto that sentence?" He pushes. I take a deep breath. "I'm just confused, Hyunjin." I reply. "Confused about what?" He asks. 

"I think you already know this but.. I like Y/N." I say. Theres a pause before Hyunjin just bursts out laughing. I look at him with confusion. "Why would I not know? Don't think I didn't see the way you were looking at her during lunch." He says. My face flushes with embarrassment. "Right..." I say. 

"Well.. it's not to late to grab a date to homecoming! You should ask her." He says. "HOMECOMING! HYUNJIN YOUR A GENIUS!" I say while hugging him. "When do I ask her though?" I ask. "Whenever you feel like asking her. Just don't take too long!" He replies. I eagerly nod and we start walking again. 

I'll ask her this friday... 



sorry if its kinda short lol

Might edit.

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