Five: Meeting the members

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Sky and I have gotten very close over the past few days. I learned that he likes to sing and dance, and he's into Kpop. But even just a single moment when our hands brush, I become a blushing mess. 

I sat in science and did my work when Sky, who was sitting next to me, suddenly spoke, "Y/N, would you like to come sit with me and my friends at lunch?" He asks. "Of course! I just need to tell my friends I won't be with them today" I replied. 

"Great!" He said. "See you later!"

-Time skip- 

I walked to lunch with music playing in my ears when I feel someone take my headphones off of my head, laughing. "YAH! GIVE THEM BACK" I yell before realizing who it was. "Oh. Sky!". "Hi Y/N"  he said, still laughing. I roll my eyes. "What! It was funny!" He says. "Whatever. Lead me to your table." I say with a smile. 

He leads me to his table where six other boys were sitting. 

"Seung- uh.. Sky! Who's this?" One of the guys asks as we walk up to the table. "Everyone, this is Y/N. y/n this is Chris, Sam (hyunjin), Peter (han), Lewis (changbin), Rhino (Minho), Bob (I.N), and Felix." Sky says, pointing to everyone as he tells me their names. "Nice to meet you all!" I say smiling. 

"Nice to meet you too Y/N!" One of the boys, Felix i'm assuming, says. 

"Sky tells us a lot about you." Rhino says. I can't help but blush. Sky talks about me? Wow. I look back at him to see him looking down in embarrassment. "Sit down sit down!" One of the boys, Chris I'm assuming, says and I take a seat next to Sky. 

"So Y/N, what do you do for fun?" Chris asks me. "I like to dance!" I reply eagerly. "Really? Me too!" One of the other boys, Sam i'm assuming, says. "Sky tells us your into kpop! Isn't there a club for that at this school?" Felix asks me. "Yeah! I'm actually dancing to a song for the pep rally! I'm super excited!" I say. 

"What song?" I hear someone say. "Its 'My Pace' by Straykids! Such a good song." I reply. "Ooo thats a good one." Peter says. 

(A/N: Yes they already know but I wanted to make them act like they surprised if that makes sense?)

Sky has some nice friends...

Seungmin POV:

Half the lunch i'm not even aware of the conversation going on. The only thing i'm focusing on is the way Y/N is getting along so well with the group. And also her beautiful smile. 

The thing is..

When do I confess?



I am so so sorry that I haven't been updating much.. 

also sorry if this chapter is crappy.. and a little short

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