Seven: Pep Rally

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I woke up in a great mood since today was a big day (sort of). Today is the day. Pep rally day! I thought in excitement as I got dressed. I put my hair up in a low ponytail and put a bit of mascara on. 

As I was touching up some areas of my outfit, I got a text from Sky:


Hey Y/N! Good luck today! 


Hi Sky! Thank you!  i'll see you in science right?


Yup! And no problem! Have fun out there!

After sky texts, I get a bunch of notifications from my favorite people.





You're gonna do great Y/N! Work hard today!


Thank youuuu! Ily guys! ✨💓✨💓

I smile as I turn my phone off and head downstairs. 

"Y/N!" I hear my mom say. "Have fun out there today! You'll do great!" She says. "I'm so excited! Anyway, I gotta go. By mom! Love you!" I say as I rush out of the door to my bus stop.

I hope I don't embarrass myself in front of Sky...

-Time Skip-

"Y/N! Are you ready for today?" Yumi, one of my club members says. "I am so ready! Just a little nervous." I add. "You're gonna do great! WE are gonna do great." Another club member says. "I really hope so." I say. The bell rings.  "I'll see you girls later! Fighting!" I say as I make my way to my first class. Science.

When I walk in, Sky is already sitting in his normal spot. "Hi Sky!" I say cheerfully as I sit next to him. "Hey Y/N. Nice outfit! Is it for the pep rally? " He asks. "Oh, yeah! We tried to match the concept" I reply. (A/N: Idk if that makes sense just go with it..). "Well I think it looks nice." He compliments. I blush. "Thank you!" I say.

I really like this guy...

Seungmin POV:

Y/N walks into class looking as swaggy as ever. I assume its because of the pep rally. Which I admit, am really excited for, especially to see Y/N dance... ANYWAY. she walks toward my table and sits next to me. "Hi Sky!" She says cheerfully. Cute. "Hey Y/N. Nice outfit! Is it for the pep rally?" I ask. "Oh, yeah! We tried to match the concept" she replys. "Well I think it looks nice." I compliment. I see blush forming on her face and smile. "Thank you!" She says.

I suddenly remember what I've been thinking about for the past few hours. "Hey Y/N? Are you planning on going to home coming on Saturday?" I ask. She looks up at me. "I want to.. but no one has asked me yet..." she says sadly. "Oh.." I say. 

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