Ten (LAST CHAPT) : Loved

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-Time skip to senior year 💀-

(A/N: i low key have no more ideas for this ff...)

Seungmin and I have been dating for three years now and I have been the happiest I have been whenever I am with him. Since then, Straykids has been releasing lots of great music that I play on repeat from time to time. 

There is one thing that has been on my mind; college

Either I go to college, or don't and stay with Seungmin in the Straykids dorms. So I sit in the practice room, all these thoughts going through my mind. "Y/N? Are you okay?" says Seungmin, breaking my thoughts. "Yeah! I'm fine." I say. He gives me an "I don't believe you" look. "I've been dating you for three years. You are not okay." He says as he pulls me into a hug. I sigh. "Fine. It's just.... I'm worried about leaving you for college!" I admit. He pulls away and we look into each others eyes.

"I'm worried to.." he says. We stay silent for a little and then his eyes light up. "I have an idea! I can ask JYP to give you an opportunity to work on our staff team!" He says eagerly. "That's actually a really great idea!" I say. "We can ask him now! Cmon!" He says and he grabs my hand and drags me out of the room. 

We make our way down to JYPS office and stop in front of a door. Seungmin knocks and we hear a "Come in!" from the other side. When we push open the door, we are immediately greeted with a smiling JYP sitting behind his desk. "Hello you too!" He says. We say hi and bow. "Did you need me for anything" he asks. Seungmin takes a deep breath and starts talking; "Is there a way Y/N could work for Straykids?" He asks. JYP thinks for a moment. "Why do you ask?" He asks. I talk, "Because I'm in my senior year of college, and I don't want to leave seungmin next year..."

He thinks again. "I see..." He says. "I don't see why not! We need another hair and makeup person. I think you'll do the job perfectly!" He says. Seungmin and I look at each other and smile. "You'll start tomorrow when we go to the award show." He says again. Seungmin and I both now politely and exit the room. The door closes and he takes me in his arms and spins us around. "I can't believe he actually said you could!" He says into my shoulder. "Neither did I." I say. 

We make our way back to the practice room where the rest of the group is. "Guys! Y/N is working for us!" Seungmin announces. There are cheers from everyone in the room. 

"Shes not leaving us!" Jisung says.

"Glad to have you on the team!" Chan says.

"YOUR STAYING!" Jeongin says. 

"JYP actually said yes?" Changbin says.

"Another child for Chan to look over!" Minho says.

"Phew! I was gonna cry if you weren't staying!" Felix says. 

"Yay!" Hyunjin says. (A/N: i didnt know what else to write for him...)

We all share a group hug, seungmin and I in the middle. 

These guys make me feel so loved




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