Nine: First Date

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Today is my first date with Seungmin and... I admit I am a little nervous... 

As i open my closet, I'm still processing how this is all real... the fact that THE Stray Kids goes to my school and myself and my bias KIM SEUNGMIN  fell in love with each other... I shake my head and start browsing through my closet and I finally come across a cute white ruffled top and a jean skirt (A/N: picture above. You can change it if you want).

After I change, I do my hair and makeup and when I'm done, I look in the mirror. "You can do this" I say, holding two fists up. 

I make my way downstairs. "Mom! I'm going out!" I scream. "Have fun!" She screams from upstairs. I suddenly get a text from Seungmin. 


I'm so excited to see you! 

I smile at my phone and then text back.


Me too! I'm about to leave. I'll see you in a little!

I see him text back an "okayy 💓" and I smile widely. I make my way out towards my car and get in. I turn my car on and start driving. We are meeting at the first place we ever went alone. He tells me thats when his feelings for me started. Of course I was a blushing mess. 

When I get there, I see him standing at the entrance. I get out of my car and he immediately starts running towards me and embraces me. "Missed you" He says into my shoulder. "I missed you even more." I say, hugging him tighter. We eventually pulled away but we held each others hands as we walked in. 

The familiar scent of coffee fills my nose as we walk to the order area. "Smells just like before" I say. "It does.." I hear him say. We reach the register and I feel his arms wrap around my waiste from behind. "Min... We need to order" I say as i smile. "can you order for me? I wanna stay like this" he says. The lady behind the register just stares at us. "I'm sorry.. can we just get a chocolate chip muffin and some coffee? And for him can we get a latte?" I ask. "Of course!" The lady says with a smile.

I grab my purse, but Seungmin grabs it from my hand before I can get my wallet as his free hand is still around my waist. "Minnn! Please! You payed last time!" I whine. "Nope." He says. Eventually I give up and Seungmin pulls his wallet out and pays. "When will I ever get to pay for you?" I pout. "Hmmmm... Never!" Seungmin replys as he kissed my forehead. I roll my eyes as we take our drinks and food and head to the same table as last time. 

"I'm glad JYP enrolled us in the same school. I would've never met you." He says as he looks into my eyes and takes my hand. "Does he know about this?" I ask him, motioning between him and I. He sighs, "Not yet". "What if I take you to the company? I want you to watch us practice!" He says, squeezing my hand. "I would love to!" I say eagerly. He smiles under his mask. "

We finish everything and then we go out to the parking lot to my car. He gets in the drivers seat. I almost protest but he insists he should drive. I get in the passenger seat and the car starts moving. 

We get to the building and I stare up at it in awe. "I know... lots of groups are under this company." He says. "Lets go!" He grabs my hand and pulls me to the entrance. 

We enter and he leads me to a set of stairs and down a hallway. We stop at a room. I can hear music already blaring through the door. We enter and I see 7 heads turn towards Seungmin and I. "Y/NNNNN!" Jeongin screams as he runs to me and hugs me. "Hi Y/N!" Felix says as he ruffles my hair. The rest of the members greet me eagerly and I make my way towards on of the couches in the back of the room. "What song should we practice?" Chan asks everyone. Everyone is thinking on his question. 

Suddenly Jisung has an idea "My Pace? Oh! And Y/N can dance with us!" He says. I can already feel everyones eyes on me. Seungmin walks over and pulls me. I try to resist but he picks me up bridal style and walks to the beginning position. He sits us down as I am still in his arms.  

"Is this how we're starting the dance?" I ask him, blushing madly

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"Is this how we're starting the dance?" I ask him, blushing madly. "Yes. Deal with it" he says. I roll my eyes and smile. The music starts. When its our turn to dance, Seungmin picks us up from our sitting position and puts me down so I can dance along. 

When we go to the middle together, he gets behind me and takes my arms, he uses my arms to do the choreo and I laugh out loud. Meanwhile, the rest of the group is just teasing us. He lets go of me and we start doing the choreo the right way. I stay next to Seungmin throughout the dance and look in the mirror to see that hes staring right at me. 

We end the dance on a good note at Seungmin looks into my eyes before grabbing my hand and leading me out of the room. We walk down the hall and find a spare practice room no one is using. He leads me into the room and closes the door. There is a silence between us before he grabs my wrist and pulls me close, his arms wrapping around my waist. "Did I ever tell you that you are an amazing dancer?" He whispers into my ear. I blush madly again.  We look into each others eyes. 

"Can I...?" He asks shyly. I nod and the gap between us closes as he kisses me softly. I tense up a little but i kiss him back and I wrap my arms around his neck. "Sorry.. I've been wanting to do that for a while now.." he says. "Don't be sorry.. it was nice... and actually my first kiss..." I say. "Really?" He says as his face lights up. I nod. "I love you, Y/N" he says sincerely. I blush again. "I love you even more Kim Seungmin. I can't believe I get to say that.. " I say. He chuckles and pecks my lips.

"We should get back to the others.." He says. I nod in agreement. He takes my hand and leads me back to the other practice room. 

We enter and everyone looks at us again. I didn't notice that we were still blushing when we entered. "Oh they definitely kissed" Minho says, smirking. "You think? They look like tomatoes!" Jisung says. "MINNIE IS GROWING UP" Hyunjin says dramatically. We all laugh. Chan calls Seungmin over to him to talk. 

Seungmin POV:

All I thought when I was walking towards Chan was i'm screwed... But all of my worry went away when he gave me a soft smile and said:

"Treat her right, Seungmin" . "I will" I said. I walk back to Y/N with a smile and she snakes her arms around my torso. 

Best day ever



kind of a fast update ngl...

I also might change the grades up a bit....


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